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  1. B


    No i'm pretty sure that you cant! But v1 and tama max i think can!
  2. B


    Oh my gosh that is so cool. You must have taken really good care of him!
  3. B

    How do i pause my tama?

    Press a & b at the same time ( first two buttons! )
  4. B

    A cute new girl

    Welcome to tama talk! You'll love the site. If you need any help. Just pm me.
  5. B


    I could help to if you want! Unless piggy... has already help you with everything you need!
  6. B

    What do u like better?

    I like tama v2 the best they are so fun!
  7. B


    Welcome to tama talk jamie!
  8. B

    They should have vibration on tamagotchi

    Thats a really good idea! Teachers shouldnt be so mean about tamas!
  9. B

    What the heck s going on here?!

    If shes has no hungry hearts full idont think shell go to the bathroom!
  10. B

    baby tama

    No what haapens is if you have the light on 2 days later at midnight you will see the mother kiss her baby and leave. The next moring you will be able to name the new baby.
  11. B

    What is Debugging?

    Thanks. For helping!
  12. B

    I just got a V2!

    Here a link to a post i made the other day about how to play Games
  13. B

    Battery Life

    Hi. Battery usually last for a year and a half it must have just been a glitch or something. :furawatchi:
  14. B

    What is Debugging?

    Couls you please tell me what debugging mean? I see stuff posted alot but have no clue what it is!
  15. B

    Sasha's Log

    Cool. Tamas are so cute as babies!
  16. B

    What is your tama egg shell

    v2= Blue with pink circles and buttons v2= Hot pink with flowers and shells
  17. B

    Bummping game =[ HELP!

    I answerd someones question the other day about that heres the link!Game tips & Tama Bedtimes!
  18. B

    Help my tama can't have babies (?)

    :( Sadly She is to old to have a tamababy. :angry: THe haave to be atleat 5 but not older than 10.
  19. B


    It's happen to me once. But they came back just like your did!
  20. B

    It froze!

    Thats the best advice i can give!