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  1. J

    Animal crossing : City Folk (for Wii)

    Name: Jay Town: Smashvil Fruit: Peaches (and coconuts) Code: 2707-5949-5965
  2. J


    You really should. And for the best experience possible, get the PC one, the DS one isn't even the same, it's a spin off.
  3. J

    Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii)

    It's awesome, I got it for Xmas with WiiSpeak.
  4. J


    Guys who think it screws PCs: It didn't screw my PC, and mine's a pretty old 2005 one, and it's a laptop... Make sure your PC has a graphics card thats more recent than say 2004, since if it's from earlier than that, Spore might reject it... Tamaw/pants: What you do in the game? It's...
  5. J

    What gifts do you want to get for the holidays?

    My main present this year will be an Xbox 360 Arcade. Also, I'll be getting a ton of Wii and DS games, one or so PC games, about three 360 games and one PSP game plus a PS3 game. As well as an extra gamecube controller and WiiSpeak. Dunno anything else other than games I'll be getting.
  6. J


    May I remind you real Tamagotchis are made in China as well? They're just designed in Japan, then made in China (hints: cheap labour.)
  7. J

    The Simpsons game

    Not sure. It isn't a really good game that's for sure. Try getting AC:CF, it's a great game, and I'm a 14 year old boy saying this.
  8. J


    Yeah, I got the demo too, it was boring due to there being no story... That's why I've got the full version now! Spore is MUCH more fun than the demo (if you try to ignore the DRM on the game, secuROM.)
  9. J


    Has anyone played the PC game, Spore? It's the best game this year! I love it! Discuss.
  10. J

    Do you believe in Santa?

    Yes, read my post on Nintendohub about it:
  11. J

    I can't seem to find a new version of...

    It's not, it's the Wii Virtual Console. Wii Shop Channel is divided into three sections (well, at least in the UK, Australia, Japan and the US). WiiWare, Wii Virtual Console and Wii Channels.
  12. J

    Post all of your wii games here.

    A lot. Way too long to list, but I'll put up my three favs: Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Animal Crossing: City Folk with WiiSpeak.
  13. J


    Yeah, my teachers gave out YooBot advertising flyers at my Highschool. It's pretty lame... Move this topic to Stuff we Play, as it's an online flash game...
  14. J

    What holiday do you celebrate?

    I'm actually Hindu, but I celebrate Christmas non-religiously, it's the best festival of the year for me.
  15. J

    What kind of phone should I get?

    Ok, try a Sony Ericsson K850i, I've got one of those too, they have great, cheap features.
  16. J

    How are you feeling?

    Good. We started our Christmas holidays yesterday at around lunchtime, and now it's the holidays from highschool for two weeks.
  17. J


    I searched the forums and I couldn't find a topic, so don't blame me if there's already one. Who here celebrates Christmas? How do you celebrate it? Do you celebrate it religiously or non religiously? What do you do on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day? What are you doing for Christmas? What are you...
  18. J

    What kind of phone should I get?

    iPhone 3G's a great idea. I'm getting one this christmas, as it's on IGN's Top 10 Christmas Gear list. Besides it has a touch screen and awesomely cool games on it.
  19. J

    Flurtin Help <3 </3

    Do ya maen flurting with gys or gurls? I cen help yuo. Flesh yuor berasts in frot of hiim.
  20. J

    Twlight VS Harry Potter

    Neither. Here's my opinion. Twilight is a book that's complete and utter rubbish. It's not interesting at all, and the only reason it's popular is that it's surrounded by screaming fangirls going "omg hottie", especially with the movie coming up. It's so boring it basically makes you wanna...