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  1. T

    need help evolve

    Sorry, there is no food that makes tamagotchis evolve faster and sorry, you can't get Gozarutchi on the V5 Celebrity, but you can get him on the V5 Familitchi Original. To get him on the Original Familitchi toy, Keep the hungry hearts down to 0. NOT THE HUNGRY HEARTS OR IT WILL EVOLVE INTO THE...
  2. T


    Sorry you have to wait. You actually have to wait 48 hours after becomin' an adult to go on the Datin' Channel.
  3. T

    V4 Teens family

    I think it's just random. Because let's say you get a Young Androtchi randomly with let's say the Intellectual points. It'll have to go through another stage of skill points which makes no sense so I'm just guessin' it's random.
  4. T

    how do u put stuff in ur siggy?

    You are not stupid. just go to the upper right-hand corner and click on settings. And just click on "Edit Signature" and voila! Your there!
  5. T


    OMG tama5556 you are brave to do that to a senior guide. You do know like tons of kids around the world are lookin' at this, right??!! Nice toy though. Looks like a must have.
  6. T

    When Will My Music Star Evolve?

    Your welcome! ;) :huh:
  7. T

    Favourite Tama Version

    Got me thinkin'. I was stuck between V5 and V6. I picked V6 :huh: .
  8. T

    Me is backk :)

    WeLcOmE BaCk!
  9. T

    Genders of Generations?

    btw it depends i think. v4.5 goes the same pattern as the v4 so i think it depends.
  10. T

    Genders of Generations?

    Actually, I don't think so. I once had a V4.5 Ura Kuchipatchi who married a Ura Violetchi, produced a Tsubutchi (boy baby), and went off to become a Ura Togetchi so I don't think with that at all. Unless you are usin' a different version. Hope I helped!! P.S. Welcome to TamaTalk!
  11. T

    Should I get a Music Star?

    Yep, I think I will get one. No, I WILL get one.
  12. T

    Which DS do you have?

    I have 1 DS, and I might be gettin' a Dsi when school begins so I can connect with my friends! I also have an Xbox 360 (all we basically do on it is to play basketball), 1 Gameboy, 1 Gameboy Sp, 1 Wii, and 1 gamecube.
  13. T

    The Stone and the Smile Family

    I'm playin' with my brand new LCD Chess/Checkers game I got a few days back while usin' the computar. By the Way I might get myself a V6 Music Star! Woo-Hoo!!!!!!!!
  14. T

    Should I get a Music Star?

    I might get one. I know a lot about it now. I've even played one, but is it actually worth the money? I don't want anything too easy like the V5 or anything simple like Versions 1 - 4.5 so is it worth it? Or should I wait for the TMGC+C (which I won't be able to buy until some time)?
  15. T

    When Will My Music Star Evolve?

    Ok so, the Matchmaker (Guitartchi) comes when your Tamagotchi is at least 5 yrs old. However, if there is a girl in your tama band that you like, that certain girl will start comin' at age 8 at 8:00. Hope I helped!! :) :huh: . By the way congratulations on gettin' Mametchi!
  16. T

    Do you like Mametchi?

    I picked "Mametchi Rulez!" and ya Makiko does have a crush on Mametchi but Memetchi has a crush on Mametchi too.
  17. T

    Music Star help!

    There's actually a few ways to earn money. You get money from concerts and startin' 2nd gen. your parents get you money.
  18. T

    The Stone and the Smile Family

    Ok so when I was still fast asleep, my V5.5 evolved! It was an Ichigotchi, Kikitchui, and Shelltchui. They directly evolved without me noticing! Cya!
  19. T


    That's really cool! I hope Bandai's readin' this cause if they make one, I'll be like one of the first 100 people to get it! That's a splendid idea!
  20. T

    How do you get a Rosetchi on the V5.5?

    Oh. I've been picking the 2nd icon. Oh well, you know that saying: There's always 2nd Generation!