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  1. T

    are you embarrased?

    Same. I like to take it to public, but not school. When I took it to school, smoeone said "OMG! A Tamagotchi? And u r a boy? I'm gonna destroy it"! Luckily, I punched him. So that's my opinion.
  2. T

    Can't vote!

    I posted the same question and there is a glitch like Iam_alwin said.
  3. T


    It might be pretty hard to find the codes and OM21 must have a relationship with Bandai and that's correct. Spot and Mocha have never been seen walking aroound even in downtown Music City. It must be special. The only proof we have is on the voting place. Maybe a glitch or debug. Hey...
  4. T

    V5 Bonding

    Yes, there is already a topic about this. But anyway, each time you do the training, it gives you 40 bonding points. So, it goes 40 to 80 to 120 to 160 to 200 and so on. Hope I helped!!!
  5. T


    Here are the times: Baby to Child: 1 hour Child to Teen: 2 days Teen to Adult: Another 2 days To be eligible on the Dating Show: Yet another 2 days Those are the times. Hope I helped!!!
  6. T

    Commercials you absolutely HATE.

    I loved the ShamWOW! Commercial because the guy knows what he's doing, and a good comparison to Billy May's Zorbeez! And ya I hate those Sketchers (not the shoe) commercials.
  7. T

    What Are You Watching Now?

    u r lucky man.
  8. T

    Music City!?

    Thank you very much Iam_alwin! I also didn't know that Tamastargirl is TS9520!
  9. T

    Everything TMGC+C Topic!

    BTW, people, if someone else posts this same tiopic and says it's original, it is unofficial. Please politely say to the "I'm sorry, but tamakuchipatchi22 already made one". And please POLITELY say that. I do NOT want a fight going on on TamaTalk. Cya!
  10. T

    The Stone and the Smile Family

    I'd like to pay my respect for the following people: Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays. Michael Jackson's funeral was a few days ago and tears came through my eyes. I was touched by Paris Katherine Jackson's words. Long live his music!!!!! As for Billy Mays, I nearly had a Heart attack when I...
  11. T

    Everything TMGC+C Topic!

    I noticed there is no official TMGC+C topic around here yet so this is the official TMGC+C topic! There are still many more things we need to discover about the TMGC+C so we need TONS of info.! We need Growth Charts, Character Charts, Store Prices (around the world), an item chart, tips and...
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    Wakie Wakie, my little Music Star

    Thanks for the tip. I have to tell my friend about this!
  13. T

    The Stone and the Smile Family

    OK, so I got back from Chess club and it was great! No evolution. Kornetchi died (grr.....) and I now have a tea tipper lookin' character. It looks cool. Tommorow is just a normal day and the day after tommorow will be a evolution/dating show day.
  14. T

    The Golden Necklace

    and her mom started crin
  15. T

    Is Bandaii stopping making tamagotchis?

    Yes, I would email Bandai (but I don't have the courage to do it...)
  16. T

    Calling All V5 Owners!

    It's fun, but it can get borin' a bit.
  17. T

    Music City!?

    Ok, so it's Saturday today here in the US and it said that I can vote for myself and I can vote on Saturday. I know you have to wait exactly 24 hours and you can't vote on a Friday. Please help me! It's one of the competition days if you didn't know! What's the problem?
  18. T

    Um... on tamatown, i have all the characters,

    Hey wait a minute, who voted that Evil Dazzillitchi should be a guest? That's pretty weird. I was a guest on Music City and when I asked them to Follow me, they said no. But when I was the Sp. Character, I asked for them to get my CD and they did.
  19. T

    Spelling error on the celebrity Familitchi

    you made me on the floor laughin' for a second until i realized it is a spellin' mistake.
  20. T


    This is a little after, but Miachael Jackson is dead :o .