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  1. V


    i like them all but my most favourite, favourite has to be mametchi. :]
  2. V

    Meme family evolved weird! HELP!

    the adult can always marry after 2 days of turning into an adult. the same goes for all pure families, don't worry. :]
  3. V


    i'm not too fond of it. i don't like how you can't get points easily even though your shop items are ridiculously high (thank God for codes right? ^_^ ), and the bonding thing takes forever to get. plus like someone else said, it does seem more like a game than a pet. :< i'd really prefer...
  4. V

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    5..not really liking it too much.
  5. V

    Meme family evolved weird! HELP!

    I think she said boy memetchi because she didn't know the name. and congradualtions! you have the memetchi family! ^_^ the adult is memetchi and the other girl is memetchi's younger sister imotchi.
  6. V

    Anybody here that still actually

    yep, they keep me company during the boring, lonely summers. ^_^ I got 2 with me right now out of my 9. :]
  7. V

    V5 only 2 babies?

    the number of babies is totally random, it could be one, two or three. it's nothing to worry about
  8. V

    what r u feeling?

    I'm feeling nice and calm. ^_^
  9. V

    Which ones?

    Coke? or Pepsi? Coke Barbies? or Bratz? Barbie McDonalds? or Burger King? McDonalds Sprite? or Siera mist? Sprite Aeropostale? or American Eagle? Aeropostal Hollister or Abercrombie & Fitch? n/a Circus or Zoo? Circus Cats or Dogs? Cats Subway or Quizno's? Subway Night or Day? Night...
  10. V

    why didn't the love potion work?

    i believe they can mate after 3 days of being adults, and the love potion just helps them get closer in friendship. ^_^
  11. V

    Ball glitch please help!

    you want the ball glitch? simple. i'm going to tell you what to do on the v4..but there is a different way on the v3 that i don't know. :/ buy LOTS OF FOOD from the shop..then delete as much as you can. eventually, your default foods (such as scones, sushi, etc.) start disappearing. Keep buying...
  12. V


    Fire and worms. I'm absolutely terrified of fire, and i have a huge freak out when i see a candle lit. ._. I just hate worms....they're all icky and squiggly it's just plain gross. >__<;
  13. V

    what does it mean by "sorry list is full"

    it's a glitch, but it can be fixed with a simple reset+download.
  14. V

    question w/ v4.5

    i believe it's 72 hours or so after your tamagotchi has turned into an adult is when it can mate. the times the matchmaker comes are 10:30 am , 3:00pm and 7:00pm.
  15. V

    Popular girls=Trouble

    if this is even true at ^ said ( it does sound a little off ), i also suggest getting new friends, they steal, harass people and sneak out now..who knows what negative effects could happen in the future?
  16. V

    what E-mail service do you have?

    I use Hotmail/Windows live.
  17. V


    is it everywhere? even Canada? i'd like one. :rolleyes:
  18. V


    it's not a glitch, it's just an uncommon growth pattern. I think potetchi is from the easygoing family right? taht's why I say uncommon growth... well either way, it shouldn't cause problems. :]
  19. V

    If you only could Have 1 Version What would it be?

    a Japanese red Akai iirc..that's what it's called. it has red pixels and is the Japaneses counterpart to the v3 i think. if it has to be English..i would say a v2. They have so much variety..and i adore 'em. :]
  20. V

    Does anyone speak any other languages?

    My family is Spanish, and i talk English and take French. nothing too special.