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  1. V

    How much do you and your parents have in common?

    me and my mum love cartoons, and me and my daddy love video games. i can talk to them about lots of stuff, and i treat them more like an older brother and sister. :angry:
  2. V

    What colour is your DS?

    its coraaaal. pink. :] ilu ds lite. <3
  3. V

    How many days of school do you have left?

    about 18 days or something. i dunno. x(
  4. V

    Which version do you like the least?

    The V4 was quite annoying. I got so many freaking poos and money stolen! Plus choosing a job was boring because you had to have a certain amount of skill points and no one wants to play games for hours on end. ;)
  5. V

    Rate The Movie Above!

    I don't know it..nor have I heard of it. ? Meet the Spartans
  6. V

    Ask a Stupid Question...

    because i drink too much water. why are the boys at my school mean unless i buy them candy?
  7. V

    Would you Rather............?

    have a boyfriend! :P wyr listen to Lollipop by Lil' Wayne or Soulja Boy?
  8. V


    SQUEEE!!!!!!! I LOVE THAT ONE SO MUCH! I have the perfume and cream! <3
  9. V

    Ask a Stupid Question...

    'Cause you hit him with a ruler in grade 6. Why doesn't Andrei love me??!!!!!
  10. V

    Pronounce the UserName Above you

  11. V

    Hug, Kiss, or Diss?

    uh...hug. :( Cristian de la Fuente. <3333333333333 rawr
  12. V


    rude much! =[ I have a huge crush on this boy but he hates me because i hit him with a ruler and that was 2 years ago.
  13. V

    Say a word backwards

    Never underestimate the power of a Southern Belle temper-tantrum! !htaed ot mih evol I !efil ym fo evol eht si ierdnA I wish he liked me back. :(
  14. V

    so flipping lucky!

    well, it's not lucky you got pink eye, but you are lucky you get to miss a few days more than everyone else! My school ends on the 25. :P
  15. V


    I like the Victoria's Secret brands a lot, and one that smells like Mango's and coconuts. <3~
  16. V

    Do you read manga?

    I used to. But it bothered me to have to buy like every volume, so i stopped buying and then my mum told me to stop reading them. :/
  17. V

    Do you wear a bra yet?

    You know what I found out recently? Wearing a bra too much is actually bad for you. >.> Let's have a bra bonfire! xD And I think I grew over the weekend because my chest got really sore, and my bra doesn't fit me as well as sucks, but it's also good. =P
  18. V

    Pretty or Ugly?

    I would say I'm cute. Everyone thinks so, so that boosts my self esteem a lot. :] Dem boi's don't think so. -.-; They're dopey anyways. :P
  19. V


    yeah. i love bic macs, fries, and Mc Flurries. :] just had Mc flurrie! :D
  20. V

    The ^ > V game!

    dunno. o.o ^Had funny boys on her soccer baseball team >Likes soccer baseball VLikes soccer baseball?