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  1. Ringotchi 100

    Gender War! (Remake)

  2. Ringotchi 100

    Tama-Go Questions :)

    Thanks for the answers they realy helped me :D oh and sorry about the small writing.
  3. Ringotchi 100

    Tama-Go Questions :)

    Hi Tamatalk I have a lot of questions About the Tama-Go and I was hoping somebody could answer them. -Can you train an adult Tama-Go? -What games and shops do figures KuroMametchi and Makiko have? -How hard is it to get a Lovelitchi? -how many gotchi characters are there in total? I will...
  4. Ringotchi 100

    The Tama-GO, A backwards step in the history of Tamagotchis?

    personaly I love the Tama-Go I think it's great and it's my favorite version but I would like to see Bandai make another version in color.
  5. Ringotchi 100

    v3 Matchmaker Times?

    I have a v3 and usually this works if your Tama is five six years old you just set it to valentines day and one minute before 3:00. (TM Edit: no need to double post - don't forget you can edit your own replies for up to 24hrs (1 day) after you posted on the forums) ;)
  6. Ringotchi 100

    Tama L.I.F.E Hatch

    i'll join with my v2. :D
  7. Ringotchi 100

    New York cats OCC

    Name:Bella Breed : Ragdoll Age:2yrs Looks:grey with black stripes Personality adventurous friendly when wants to be Other : used to belong to a owner but escaped
  8. Ringotchi 100

    Help with my V2 please!

    Nope I tried that I made sure it was all in corectly I don't know what the matter is all I was doing was cleaing the dust out.
  9. Ringotchi 100

    Help with my V2 please!

    nope I tried everything you guys told me but nothing works :( thanks anyway.
  10. Ringotchi 100

    last person to post wins :]

  11. Ringotchi 100

    Help with my V2 please!

    I tried what you said Violetchilluvr3 it did help and its smaller but I can't tighten it anymore. Do you think its stuck like this?
  12. Ringotchi 100

    Help with my V2 please!

    My Tamagotchi's screen has a rectangle of pixels missing! I was cleaning the Tamagotchi and when I put it back together some of the pixels where missing I tried to fix it but no luck. Can anybody help me?!!!
  13. Ringotchi 100

    should you be able to adopt a tama on your tama?

    I think that if your gonna kill the Tamagotchi just because it's not the kind you want you shouldn't have one.
  14. Ringotchi 100

    How do your tamas feel to you?

    I love my Tamagotchi if it broke I would be devestated it's like a best friend to me.
  15. Ringotchi 100

    Do you remember your first tama?

    I remember by first Tama it was a v2 desert camo Tama I got it when I was 8. it had used to be my older sister's but she said I could have it :D ^_^ .
  16. Ringotchi 100

    What's your favorite color? :)

    I like very dark purple and turquoise
  17. Ringotchi 100

    Your almost at death stories.

    once I was siting in a tree about 18 feet high and the branch broke and I fell and and broke several more branches and hit the ground hard but all I got was the wind nocked out of me
  18. Ringotchi 100

    last person to post wins :]

    this will never end it's just going to on and on :D :)