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  1. Ringotchi 100

    The "A is for Salad" Game!

    N is for yes
  2. Ringotchi 100

    What's the longest you have managed to keep a tama alive?

    it was a 5 gen on my Tama-go it had a baby to but then I accidently reset it. :(
  3. Ringotchi 100

    Gender War! (Remake)

    We Could do it again maybe?
  4. Ringotchi 100

    The "A is for Salad" Game!

    D is for Pie
  5. Ringotchi 100

    The 1 word story.

  6. Ringotchi 100

    Yuck Or Yum?

    Yum dark chocolate?
  7. Ringotchi 100

    This Or That?

    Sony Wii or gamecube?
  8. Ringotchi 100

    This Or That?

    Very cheap old car that does work Rabbits or chipmunks?
  9. Ringotchi 100

    Gender War! (Remake)

  10. Ringotchi 100

    Gender War! (Remake)

  11. Ringotchi 100

    Animal Crossing Role Play!

    Villager:Kiki Species:cat Gender:female Appearance:search Kiki Animal Crossing Personality:Curious but gets upset easily Town:Kawaii Woods Other:Loves Cherrys
  12. Ringotchi 100

    Gender War! (Remake)

  13. Ringotchi 100

    New User In Town, Me :0)

    Welcome to TamaTalk RalGash!
  14. Ringotchi 100

    The 1 word story.

  15. Ringotchi 100

    The Creeper Game!

    Cuddle Creeper
  16. Ringotchi 100

    The Creeper Game!

    Sing to Creeper
  17. Ringotchi 100

    This Or That?

    having just a couple of really close friends. Being a giant or being a migit?
  18. Ringotchi 100

    Current characters on your running Tamas?

    Blue Tama-Go:Shellitchi 5th Gen And the same for my black one.
  19. Ringotchi 100

    This Or That?

    Wedding ring Roses or sunfowers?
  20. Ringotchi 100

    What are you reading now?

    The Warriors!!! by Erin Hunter