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  1. gumdrop37

    i want a kuchipatchi really really bad on my ms

    you have to take ok care of him how I do that is by leaving him alone till he gets hungry and let his poo stack up for awhile then clean it after one pile hope you get kuchipatchi :o gumdrop37
  2. gumdrop37

    How Often Do You Check Your Tamagotchi(s)

    almost every ten to five minutes I obsess over there health
  3. gumdrop37

    Question about TMGC+C

    I have all of the items and you can use them as many times as you like gumdrop37 B)
  4. gumdrop37

    all my tamas are awesome ahahaha

    awesome 100 views thanks for reading and I did not reset nut sorry :( I had to do something but at least I can keep nut well I am going to let my music star turn into an oldy and see how old it can get when it is an even generation then I get a cool old grandma or grandpa hehe well my BBQ...
  5. gumdrop37

    all my tamas are awesome ahahaha

    yesterday my v5 turned into sunnytchi and I am thinking about getting a tamawalkie they look so awesome and I go on walks all the time so I think my mom might get it for me when she finds out I have to workout to take care of it :mellow: aaaahhh more walking but I have to walk alot of places...
  6. gumdrop37

    all you have to do is vote!

    I think almost every kid will have one in there hands and when that happens they will stop making them but they will be more valuble so people will probably be selling them on the internet but that won't happen for a long time gumdrop37 B)
  7. gumdrop37

    all my tamas are awesome ahahaha

    omg I forgot to name my baby girl her name is bagel and she turned into chamametchi same with my music star BBQ is in an awesome rock band named grill with jenny the apple thing and daniel the monkey thing :D it rocks every thing is the same exept my v3 turned into this rocket looking thing...
  8. gumdrop37

    all my tamas are awesome ahahaha

    yay my color had a baby but it was a girl wa wa ;) :D -_- ;) B) :( :D grrrr I am mad I wanted a boy I don't want an old lady wa well I have to go I will be back til then this is gumdrop37 out :(
  9. gumdrop37

    all my tamas are awesome ahahaha

    today mustard left BBQ it was so sad BBQ: cry cry cry hang in there little girl it will be ok I felt so bad in the morning cause she is so cute and she is crying and stuff I was like B) ;) :( -_- :( B) :( yeah that was about how I acted well it is now a kid the one...
  10. gumdrop37

    all my tamas are awesome ahahaha

    I forgot to tell you that both bean and mustard had a baby :huh: but bean already left his baby boy and I named him lime and mustard married one of these ;) and had a baby girl I think I am going to name her BBQ and there band will be the grill hehe mustards band was dinner and bun, his...
  11. gumdrop37

    all my tamas are awesome ahahaha

    yay my berry turned into furawatchi she is so cute :blink: In other news olive left nut and when I work up nut was crying silently it was so sad :D oh well I will be saying good bye to him on the first nut:......!!!!!! oh yeah sorry but I forgot to tell you I'm going to have to restart...
  12. gumdrop37

    read please!

    memetchi :blink:
  13. gumdrop37

    my adult wont date!

    you have to wait 2 whole days before your adult can date :blink: gumdrop37 B)
  14. gumdrop37

    all my tamas are awesome ahahaha

    my berry is going to transform tomarrow I just now it I hope she becomes this :) that would be cute I hope she does berry: I hope I do to mommy thats good berry: I want to marry that hot guy I saw at the park yesterday hey you are not getting married until you are 4 so stop talking...
  15. gumdrop37


    that happened to me to It is perfectly normal :( gumdrop37 :huh:
  16. gumdrop37

    How my tama saved our lives

    thats cool mine saved my life because someone was coming over to pick me up and I was still asleep and then my tama beeped and I woke up with about an hour to get ready so If my tama wouldn't have beeped I wouldn't have been ready yay for tamas gumdrop37 :mellow:
  17. gumdrop37

    Dinkie Dino or Tamagotchi?

    I have never had a dinky dino either so I have to go with tamagotchi :furawatchi: gumdrop37 :)
  18. gumdrop37

    all my tamas are awesome ahahaha

    yay I got a space character on my v5 so today I woke up and the first thing I did was go to the mating show and I chose to marry the sun looking tama and now I only have one baby yay actually It already turned Into a child yay It looks like a star daughter of the mango family: I'm so pretty...
  19. gumdrop37

    Tamagotchi Color Owners

    if you don't pause it toddler to teen about 1 day teen to adult about 2 days and after 2 days your adult can mate
  20. gumdrop37

    **The August Hatching**

    that is fine with me