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  1. gumdrop37

    Current Mood

    tired (I like never get the amount of sleep I should)
  2. gumdrop37

    what did you fail at today?

    I failed to get my tamagotchi mini :(
  3. gumdrop37

    What's something you learned today?

    I am more stupid than I thought :lol:
  4. gumdrop37

    What's currently on your mind?

    when is my tamagotchi mini going to come :lol: I like ordered it monday :lol:
  5. gumdrop37

    What Are You Watching Now?

    kim possible :lol:
  6. gumdrop37

    What Versions can connect with V6?

    oh yeah yes they can connect with a v3 :lol:
  7. gumdrop37

    What if . . .

    that would stink what if you were forced to watch a show you hated :lol:
  8. gumdrop37

    What Versions can connect with V6?

    no v6 can only connect with anouther v6 and v5 celebrity or and v5 :lol:
  9. gumdrop37

    Describe the person above with a smiley.

    ::] gumdrop37 :lol:
  10. gumdrop37

    What are you doing right now?

    listening to the parent trap gumdrop37 :lol:
  11. gumdrop37

    What Are You Wearing Right Now?

    I am wearing an orange tank top with white dots and red shorts with white hearts gumdrop37 :lol:
  12. gumdrop37

    What if . . .

    I would be majorly embarresed what if today was your last day (wow that was cheesy) gumdrop37 :lol:
  13. gumdrop37

    What if . . .

    I would not be here what if you were the smartest person in the world gumdrop37 B)
  14. gumdrop37

    What Did You Buy Recently?

    tamagotchi mini gumdrop37 B)
  15. gumdrop37

    What was the last word you said?

    DANG gumdrop37 B)
  16. gumdrop37

    What's a random fact about you?

    One time I stayed up all night with my friend and sent someone an email at 3 gumdrop37 B)
  17. gumdrop37

    Where are you right now?

    I am in the basement gumdrop37 B)
  18. gumdrop37

    i want a kuchipatchi really really bad on my ms

    you go into general then go to library and then go to tama logs then when you get there click post new topic then all you really do is tell people about your tamas I don't write in my tama log any more though I have a tama journal at home instead and I am glad I helped :blink: gumdrop37 B)