tamagotchi colors are the best I want another but I am not going to get another one until it comes out in america and when it does I am going to buy it and compare the two I am pretty sure the japanese one will be better but bandai will have had time to improve on it some maybe the american one...
even if i give my mom the money she wont buy me them off the internet anymore she says they are a waist of time and they are not they are collectibles and they teach you responsibility
that is a glitch it is probably nothing to worry about my sisters v3 is glitched she can not buy items from the store because her items are filled with letters and numbers and it is just messed up and there is an item #0 and it goes on to like h5 e5 and stuff but it doesn't really effect it so I...
I have a v2, v3, v4.5, v5, v6, tamagotchi color, and I am getting a tamagotchi mini in the mail soon I am obsessed with getting new tamagotchis I love them and I don't care about how many I get I just want more