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  1. gumdrop37

    omg I love tamagotchis

    Heyheyhey wat up well I am going to update on my tamas so here we go :( angelgotchi:now an adult Kuri-ten tamagotchi color pink: adult kuromametchi tamagotchi v6: adult kuromametchi tamagotchi mini: oldy oyajitchi tamagotchi color white: kid ahirukutchi tamagotchi v2: teen young...
  2. gumdrop37

    Tamagotchi-iD Passwords

    are you saying there are going to be tamagotchi ids that are going to be released in other countries than japan
  3. gumdrop37

    omg I love tamagotchis

    omigosh sorry I havnt been on for awhile I was at my friends for a sleep over well I have like 8 dollors right now that means I need like 49 more dollors or something here let me see I have a calculator on my phone well actually I only have 7 and it is 59 more that I need I was totally off ha...
  4. gumdrop37


    wierd maybe check again for the tamagotchi ids because I am going to get one off ebay I found once I save up the money. You should get a tamagotchi color. the controls are the same and there is a guide on here and videos on youtube that can help you so I would go for it!!! they are really easy...
  5. gumdrop37

    has anyone

    I saw that video to. I wish they would have showed how they did it.
  6. gumdrop37

    The ultimate...

    I got one of those lamps but I only got a tart and like 100pts and then the rest was rain clouds
  7. gumdrop37

    has anyone

    I was wondering if anybody has ever tooken apart thier tamagotchi color. I am not asking anyone to take there tamagotchi color apart and if anyone does and they break thiers I can not be blamed
  8. gumdrop37

    omg I love tamagotchis

    hey so yep I can get a tamagotchi id I only need some cash any ideas??? I think Im just going to wait until Christmas and use the money to get one I think Im going to get a blue one instead of a white one they look prettier or maybe a green one because I dont have any green ones. soooooo. ummmm...
  9. gumdrop37

    omg I love tamagotchis

    omigosh my mom said I could get a tamgotchi id as long as I pay her the money in full before I get it so happy TAMATAMALUVINS :wub:
  10. gumdrop37

    Please answer and tell me what went wrong.

    that is really wierd well my glitch is actually my sisters and she cant buy anything from the store and her object box is filled with some items and some random numbers and japanese words or something but I thought it was cool
  11. gumdrop37


    Not the cheese
  12. gumdrop37

    omg I love tamagotchis

    hi! ok I will tell you about my tamas now so my v4 is the ninja guy I think his name is gozurotchi and he had a baby with a memetchi my v4.5 is the old lady I am planning to keep her forever my v5 peoples are all adults and I am going to wait awhile until I marry one of them and my pink...
  13. gumdrop37

    My Tama ID :D

    can the people who got it tell me a bunch of cool stuff about it so i can print it off and show my mom so maybe she gets it for me please and thankyou
  14. gumdrop37

    What should I get?

    omg get the id it is just like the color except better and newer I wish I could get one
  15. gumdrop37

    omg I love tamagotchis

    so hi I am going to start a new tama log I had one before but I stopped using it so I'm going to start it again so let me tell you about my tamagotchis I have a 2 tamagotchi colors(pink and white) an angelgotchi(japanese) a mini v2 v3 v4 v4.5 v5 v6 that is it but I want the new...
  16. gumdrop37

    How Many Are You Collecting?

    I have an angelgotchi (japanese), a tamagotchi mini, 2 tamagotchi colors (one white on pink), v2, v3, v4, v4.5, v5, v6 so like 10 lol it rocks
  17. gumdrop37


    I heard that it is the thing (like food and favorite toy) they like the best as adults and you fill each bubble as you figure it out i think i hoped this helped
  18. gumdrop37

    what on earth is a tmgc or whatever??

    tmgc is short for tamagotchi oh yeah im so happy i got 2 you should really get one i mean 2 tamagotchi colors
  19. gumdrop37

    the white line

    that stinks but it is probably no big deally yo
  20. gumdrop37

    What do you want to be when your older?

    i want to be a paistry chef i just hope i dont bake any of my tamagotchis in the cakes