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  1. gumdrop37

    tamagotchi nano pictures

    I want a chibi, they look so cute and so much funner that the old ones. I am glad they are bringing back old tama's, maybe they will bring back some vintage ones! :) :D :huh:
  2. gumdrop37

    Have you ever seen a Rainbow?

    I've seen a double rainbow :P
  3. gumdrop37

    Ohh give me some Color!

    I am sure that eventually there will be an english tamagotchi in color, even if Bandai doesn't I am sure other companies will make it. :D
  4. gumdrop37

    umm did i mess up?

    You do not need the battery tab unless you are one of those people who like to put them in there tamagotchis when they are not using them so the battery does not get used up and waisted. Hope I helped. :wub:
  5. gumdrop37

    What is Your Favorite Tamagotchi?

    tarakotchi is my favorite. He reminds me of a potato :P . Hehe would you like tarakotchi fries with your order sir??? :(
  6. gumdrop37

    Who's got a Tama-go

    I love it and I think it is awesome and all, but because it is so honking big it is not very portable. I think of it as like the DSi XL for tamagotchis. but I still love it!
  7. gumdrop37

    Tama go Questions?

    After awhile of not playing with the tamagotchi, the backround just turns blank so you cannot see the living room but you can see the tamagotchi bouncing around. Once you press a button again the backround goes back to normal. :D
  8. gumdrop37

    Which iPod do you have?

    I have a 5th generation Ipod nano. It is violet, my favorite color!!! :)
  9. gumdrop37

    Which iPod do you have?

    I have the ipod gen. 5 (I just figured that out yesterday and I have had it for like over 2 years) but I want the new ipod nano in orange :D
  10. gumdrop37

    Whats your favourite song?

    I like Jump Rope by, Blue October :D
  11. gumdrop37

    What song are you currently obsessed over?

    I Like It (feat. Pitbull) by, Enrique Iglesias
  12. gumdrop37

    Wha-What just happened...?

    that happened to me too. I think it is just a wierd glitch that happens in some of them. I heard that happening to other people too.
  13. gumdrop37

    How may Tamagotchies do you have?

    I have (drum roll pleaz john)...(JOHN!!! I SAID DRUM ROLL) *drumroll* (thankyou john) 14!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but I want 20 ;) :D :) :P
  14. gumdrop37

    Weird Aging Problem and Old tamas are appearing

    It is probably a really bad glitch
  15. gumdrop37


    one time I found a tamagotchi v4.5 not to long ago at target I had to buy one and I did yay for target :(
  16. gumdrop37


    I don't think there is anything you can do but reset it
  17. gumdrop37

    Funny V4 shop glitch

    that happened to my sisters v3 but they were not selling wierd stuff like memetchi ;) ... .............but then she lost the tamagotchi ^_^
  18. gumdrop37

    NEW? tamagotchis?

    if you read the terms and conditions or the instructions it says that they will not reply to any emails and that the email now belongs to bandai america
  19. gumdrop37

    If you could have one tama ancestor

    DEVILGOTCHI I want one so bad but they are too expensive
  20. gumdrop37

    omg I love tamagotchis

    hi well my tamagotchi id still hasn't came yet :( well anyway I am going to tell you what all of my tamagotchis look like so you can know just in case any of you were wondering and you can look them up on google I modded them alittle so the buttons might not match the picture you look up so...