yay so happy my v4.5 had a baby boy with a uramemetchi I think I might name him nut hehe I like that name
ok well I'm really bored so I'm going to show you pics of what types of tamas I have :D
v2 character
v3 character
v4.5 character
one v5 character
v6 character
tmgc+c character
these are not my pics and I'm sorry that some of them are really small
ok well my v2 us to be one of these B)...
ok I forgot to show you what my tamagotchis look like these are not my pics
:) my tmgc+c
:angry: my v6
B) my v5
:angry: my v4.5
:D my v3
:angry: my v2
there are my tamagotchis and remember these are not my pics
well see you later
til then this is gumdrop37 out B)
I love...
I saw that video to and it was just because the battery was dead all they had to do was take it out or did they already do that well that happend to me :D but I easily fixed it and did not smash it
hey I'm back and I'm so happy my little berry turned into chamametchi
I'm so pround
berry:thanks mom
bean:what about me
mustard:and me
the mango family:and us
cream:when I was a kid.......
oh cream stop with your old when I was a kid story
cream:ok then what about me...
-_- ok I'm so bored and nothing has happened to my tamas except that all of my tama are asleep crappypoos berry is so cute when she sleeps I just want to squeeze her
berry: ow mommy that hurt :)
ooo sorry sweety now go back to bed or no more donuts
berry: ok but can you read me...
my cousin showed them to me and I automaticly wanted one I tried to get one that day but instead I got my first one a week later and ever since I've loved them but when I was younger I use to love them for a week or so and then they would get boring but that doesn't happen anymore
please pm me if you like my log also I'm on here almost every day so look forward to a new reply almost every day aaaaawwwwwwwww my v2 is sleeping and my color I'm sad ;) :o :( ;) mmmmmmm
name: Melly
personality: book smarts and street smarts, loves art, nice, funny, and does not like to be in the lime light if so she gets barfy
outfit: a red frilly sundress
look: this :o mixed with this ;)
power: invisibility
:angry: went to school and got in a fight with B) they both loved :) and :) had a big disision to make who will she choose when she went home that day she called her mom to talk about it her mom <_< said
ok I have 6 tamas and I love them all so much
my v2
side note: I'm trying to make it like forever ever ever
my v3
side note: he is really fat
my v4.5
side note: I don't...