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  1. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Down - The Midnight Beast
  2. Diplodocus


    I haven't had one for a while now. o.o
  3. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Time - Cute Is What We Aim For
  4. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Therapy - ATL
  5. Diplodocus

    Rate your day so far out of 10

  6. Diplodocus

    The Person Above Me...

    TPAM has GREEEEEEN karma.
  7. Diplodocus

    What's a random fact about you?

    I'm planning to go swimming later. I tried to continue my new habit of actually eating lunch for the second day in a row today. I did eat lunch (a box of rice and salad), PLUS a cookie thing, but now I feel SO full and sick I'll probably not eat dinner. I fail at this whole regime LOL. -.-
  8. Diplodocus

    Dear (Insert Name Here),

    Dear Everyone, Why must I always go unnoticed. You're just driving me further into this mess. I'll stop as soon as I feel like I'm worth something, I swear. But when will that ever happen? When I get no questions or sympathy. Maybe you think I'm attention seeking, or maybe you don't notice...
  9. Diplodocus

    Height, Weight, Body Image.

    Updatelol. Age: 14 (Nearly 15 83) Height: 5'8" (95th Percentile) Weight: 102 lbs (25th Percentile) BMI: 15.5 (Less than 3rd Percentile) I kinda like how I am now, I don't feel like I need to lose weight, but the idea of gaining any is horrible @_@
  10. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    Hello Brooklyn - ATL
  11. Diplodocus

    What are you listening to now?

    My brother... singing.
  12. Diplodocus

    What is your current status?

    I don't have Facebook anymore, but I think the last status I had was something about sandwiches...
  13. Diplodocus

    What did you do today?

    Woke up. Ate a pear for breakfast. Went to school on the bus/train. Did some lessons. Ate some jelly. Talked to people. Ate a salad with potatoes and chicken. Went to my form room. Went to the computer room. Appeared here. ;]
  14. Diplodocus

    What's a random fact about you?

    I ate a chicken and potato salad for lunch, because I'm trying to get back into the habit of eating lunch, because. xD