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  1. meowbark

    Axis Powers H E T A L I A <3

    It's only being released via webcast/phone in Japan. Funimation's dubbing it [ohgod] and should be released on DVD in the US in the Fall. You could watch it online before the Vic Micnogna fangirls invade, there's a pretty good chance he'll be dubbing in it. Heard it may be America. :I I swear...
  2. meowbark

    S H O W E R S <3

    Russia is the Motherland, what are you talking about? xD Last night I managed a 15 minute shower, I felt so accomplished considering I usually take 40-50 minute showers. Felt so refreshed, I love showers.
  3. meowbark

    Things you hate that everyone else likes

    Windows 7 is better than Vista. Really, doesn't crash nearly as much, nor does it fail as much. I got a free copy of Windows 7, it should arrive in a few days~ If I don't like it I'm selling it on eBay for 50 bucks and switching my computer to Linux.
  4. meowbark

    If you had an old account

    Tamatalk? tamagotchiconnection [i never used it because I couldn't figure out how to get passed to CPAA thing] I don't have any others before that on TT, I did use Kittycat for some time.
  5. meowbark


    Well, I can't say I have it, but my moms family has a form of leukemia running in her blood. It's said to skip a generation, my grandmother died of it, and if it *does* skip a generation, I may get it in the next 20/30 years. My spine is also a bit crooked, a part of it seems to jet out at...
  6. meowbark

    Do you support abortion?

    ... 'You got raped' Why the living hell would you want to keep a child that was a result of rape? Why? No matter how 'loving' that child may grow up to be, it would be a constant reminder of something that should have never happened, a reminder of the humiliation and suffering you went through...
  7. meowbark

    What do you call cat/humans?

    Neko means cat, not catgirl. I think it's Nekomimi when it's a catgirl.
  8. meowbark

    School schedulesss?

    A Day/ Photoshop [Teachers trying to recommend me for the ACE] Net 1 [Desktop Maintenance basically] Lunch Geometry AP Human Geography B Day/ Earth Space Science Net 2 [Networking, like with routers, cables, all that good stuff] Intro to IT [Microsoft Office in other words] English...
  9. meowbark

    This is quite a serious question..For Christians.

    Well, if you're mad, you have to understand people will always challenge your beliefs. Whether you want them to or not, it's your choice whether you want to ignore them, take offense to what they said, or listen to their point of view. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, just stating the facts.
  10. meowbark

    Advice needed

    I'm about 5'11, and was always getting told the same thing in Middle School, being about 5'6/7 in the 7th grade. I hated it, and didn't do it. Don't do it and tell them to bugger off.
  11. meowbark

    how many tamas should i get.

    Well that depends, I have 4 tamagotchis myself, 5 if I didn't lose my other v3. It's a lot of work for me to keep them healthy and not dead without pausing them constantly. Do you think you'd be able to handle all of them? Though the Music Star seemed nice to me when I looked at it on Youtube, I...
  12. meowbark

    This is quite a serious question..For Christians.

    Atheist here, but the bible is full of contradictions once you actually read it and understand it. I don't want to start anything, so I'm just going to leave it at that.
  13. meowbark

    Your first post.

    "Posted on: November 06, 2005 01:11 pm meowbark will someone help me find a tama miniture backpack :huh: " 4.5 years ago. :'D
  14. meowbark


    Hmm... My name is Karen I'm called Freya by many, Prussia by a few people online. Kat by my friends from school.
  15. meowbark

    Who knows your password on here?

    Nobody, I gave my Tegaki E password to my friend once, but I changed it due to being paranoid, same with my MSN. I gave it to my friend Evan but changed it. I DO know her MSN pass though. &lt;: I wouldn't mess with it though because we're BFFs.
  16. meowbark

    Sims + Linux based OS's?

    Yeah, I heard using it through this Wine program would work. Though I'm not entirely sure.
  17. meowbark

    Things you hate that everyone else likes

    The fact everyone is making it obvious that they hate Twilight. Windows Vista. Internet Explorer. Monster/Red Bull. Ewwww. Macs. :I Mainstream anime on TV that everyone goes crazy for. [i used to be one of those people. Oh god shoot me] Anime Music Videos on Youtube created by 12 year old...
  18. meowbark

    Sims + Linux based OS's?

    So, I've been considering switching from Windows Vista to Linux Mint for several reasons, though I still want to play the Sims. I've heard of compatibility issues, googled this and found posts from 2006/7. Now I'm confused, will it run with Linux/Unix based Operating Systems or not? I know that...
  19. meowbark

    Just wondering...

    I look older than I appear, maybe 17/18? I act like an idiot most of the time, so like 9? Durr hurr durr.
  20. meowbark

    Messages/emails/whatever from famous people.

    The creator of Hetalia &lt;3 I was all "I LOVE YOU -SAWB-" all jokingly, he replied "DON'T CRY MY CHILD. I AM HERE" In capslock. :'D Facebook ftw. I had a friend who sent Lady Gaga something and got a reply, I was kinda jealous.