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  1. meowbark

    herp derp herp

    So, like, the Sims. I know some of ya'll out there play it and I've become addicted again. You got any favorite sites to go to when downloading custom content? I could use a few different ones for a change, I'll list a few for you all to use though. I find it a lot more fun to use CC when...
  2. meowbark

    Axis Powers H E T A L I A <3

    Yeah, it's done, but since it's 'so hard' to do by many cosplayers standards, they'll halfass it and do his Red kimono one, they have a nicer one on ebay so I don't get it why they don't buy from ebay. Yeah, I heard Iceland's debuting. Though there has been rumors about that Sweden was banned...
  3. meowbark

    Axis Powers H E T A L I A <3

    This woman speaks the truth. I'm actually going to cosplay him at AFO, Military cosplay~ You seriously wouldn't believe that out of all the China cosplayers I encountered at my last anime con, none of them were cosplaying the Military cosplay ._.'' But I'm going with a Hungary so I'll of course...
  4. meowbark

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    Flag pins and Prussia xD
  5. meowbark

    What strange thing are you known for at school?

    The one who wears flag pins on her lanyard The one who has an 'obsession with flags/countries' [lol. wat.] The one who can draw The one with a ghost complexion
  6. meowbark

    Height.. (:

  7. meowbark

    The most irritating song ever?

    Not here, lol, that or I need to turn the radio on more. I like it. There's several rap songs that annoy the living crap out of me, but I don't know their names.
  8. meowbark

    Does anybody here draw manga/anime? Yes
  9. meowbark

    Mean Girls.

    It's not 'true' as terms as the cliches down here, it may be up north though, or less populated areas of the state, though I always loved the movie since I first saw it :'D! I downloaded it not too long ago and rewatched it, good stuff man.
  10. meowbark

    Mac or PC?

    I'm Mac all the way, I'm all for 2 year old pieces that preform like crap!
  11. meowbark

    My Drawings

    Well just telling her to improve on one point in her drawings kinda made no sense to me. Monkeez/ I usually get inspiration from YouTube by watching drawing videos. :'D
  12. meowbark

    What are you listening to now?

    Mississippi Girl - Faith Hill
  13. meowbark

    My Drawings

    Er, not trying to sound rude, but it's all not that unique. Not a lot of people may draw like that at your school, but tons of other people draw in similar ways. Though it's still pretty good :lol: GotchiGirl/ lol. wut. If anything, Monkeez, I would say work on your body forms. Usually as...
  14. meowbark

    Drawing Update

    Off Topic/ omg is your icon romano? But thanks, I'm actually proud of how far I've come in the past few years.
  15. meowbark

    Drawing Update

    Yep. Self taught. I don't have plans of using my 'talent' [if you can call it that] in the future. More of a hobby. And ty/ Gotchigirl. Oh, you said fix the anatomy, like, where specifically? 'Anatomy' itself is too vague.
  16. meowbark

    Drawing Update

    I am experimenting with realism, nothing I'm willing to post online though.
  17. meowbark

    Drawing Update

    It's been a while since I shared my drawings with you guys. So I thought I'd post a few here. If anyone has critique, please feel free to bring it up. This doesn't mean be a jerk. I did this one just today- This was for my friend...
  18. meowbark

    My Drawings

    'Ey, you're pretty good. I could help you improve, want me to redline a few to show you your weakspots? Not saying they're bad, they're really good :'D
  19. meowbark

    Do your parents know about TT?

    A few times in the past my dad told me he was going to block it when he knew how. I don't know why. This was before all the drama went down. My parents know, don't really mind though.
  20. meowbark

    Matching Avatar and Signature or not?

    My icon sorta matches my sig, since like, yeah, the aru thing xP The other part of my sig is from a Three Days Grace song, Life Starts Now.