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  1. meowbark

    Billy Mays is Dead O:

    Quoting Death Note here, "Just as Planned..."
  2. meowbark

    Becoming Scene, need a few pointers

    Dye your hair black or some neon color, use a lot of eyeliner, skinny jeans, usually the shirts at Hot Topic are the ones I see 'Scene' kids wear a lot. Usually really colorful too. If your hair is too short to make it look 'big' get extensions. Then again down here, we don't have scene kids...
  3. meowbark

    What is your handwriting like?

    Ahahaha usually it's messier then this 8D
  4. meowbark


    If you are Bisexual in the Middle schools around here, you get shunned and made fun of. Truth. Not sure about High School. Though yeah, most morons do it for attention around cute guys when they see one. Only for attention. I hate those type of girls, never met a boy who claimed to be Bisexual...
  5. meowbark

    Geddit outta my room!

    I get roaches, I just take a cleat and kill 'em.
  6. meowbark

    If you could have anything in the world...

    To be with Evan. ~<3
  7. meowbark

    What's currently on your mind?

    Currently a story on what led up to this picture I'm doodlin xD
  8. meowbark

    Free Anti-Virus Programs /THAT WORK/

    As long as you know what you're downloading on Limewire you should be fine. You should check the filename, and how big it is in KB, then look at the file extension. That's what I do.
  9. meowbark

    Free Anti-Virus Programs /THAT WORK/

    McAfee is alright, my mom uses it on her labtop. [We used to have it on here thanks to Comcast] Though it only picks up the smaller viruses, it sometimes caught the more advanced/newer viruses. Rarely though, though Malware bytes caught those for me. And as for Norton 360, it works great...
  10. meowbark

    Free Anti-Virus Programs /THAT WORK/

    Alright, so I have been noticing a lot of people around saying that they don't own a good Anti-Virus program and they get a virus on their computer that they don't know how to remove. So I'm going to help out. First off, the programs; Malwarebytes; This program...
  11. meowbark

    Who can't wait for Sims 3?

    Monkeyz, install malwarebytes. It works great, along with AVG Free. I use those two along with Norton [About 100-something dollars.] I can help, I know a lot about that type of stuff. But Sims runs smooth on crappy computers, such as mine. Compared to Sims 2, I...
  12. meowbark

    When Did You Join?

    November 5th, 2005. Yeah. Beat that. Almost 4 years.
  13. meowbark

    MSN, Yahoo!, or AIM?

    MSN plz.
  14. meowbark

    Chris Crocker

    This is the first thing I think when I hear that name 'LEAVE BRITNEY ALOOOONE' He scares me though. He really does. ._.
  15. meowbark

    What was the last thing you googled?

    Soy Beans. Lol.
  16. meowbark

    What are your parents doing right now?

    Moms about to make me breakfast and watching the News [i'm getting mad at California with the Prop 8 bull] Dads at work.
  17. meowbark

    How are your...

    They taste like complete crap, I hate public school lunch. The pizza is undercooked, and has chunks in it. The meat is flavorless, and the cheese is processed. I HOPE next year that food ain't taste like it does now.
  18. meowbark

    How do you type?

    I usually type fact, chicken peck, and prefer correct grammar. It annoys me to no end with txt tlk. I mean seriously :I And I don't have to look at the keyboard most of the time either! I can look away from the screen too and know what I'm typing :3
  19. meowbark


    I'm allergic to any type of Scented laundry detergent. I break out in a rash if I wear clothes or come in contact with them [Physically touching that is] I got this horrible rash a little over a year ago from it. Not sure about anything else.