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  1. O

    Wonderful Tamagotchi V2

    5:52 PM June 4th Hey hey! Marzi just grew into a todler. She's now a beautiful blob. I believe it's called a Hotodetchi. I took a picture, but I'm too lazy to load it onto the computer right now. And while she was a Baby, she cried and needed praising. We got our first Training Bar. ^^ Phew...
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    Wonderful Tamagotchi V2

    4:59 PM June 4th Am I that bad of a parent? Only after ten minutes of care, Marzi has gotten sick. She needed two doses of medicine. B) She also pooed a couple of times, and needed to be fed. I'll take a picture of Marzi as a baby and have it posted here for reference. I'll do the same...
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    Wonderful Tamagotchi V2

    4:39 PM June 4th Ok, I'm back! And now with two, brand new CR 2032 3V batteries! Time to put one of them into my Tama. ^^ Ahh, Oh how I love that beep. The beep that notifies me that my brand new tama is on its way! ... Ok. Once again, time to configure the Date/Time. And now we wait... The...
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    Wonderful Tamagotchi V2

    12:21PM June 4th Ever since I first picked up my Red w/ Jellybean V2 a few months ago, I knew it was going to be my favorite. There's just something about the V2 that just seems perfect to me. There is a lot more to do on it than the V1, but it doesn't have too much- such as the V3 has. I...
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    My New V3!

    Heck YUS! I love pokemon. XD 10:48Am April 2nd Sorry its been so long since my last entry. I had so much to do! XP Well, when babe turned into a teen, she trned into something that seemed like a Pikmin. I love pikmin!!! =D These little tamagotchi have everything. A few days after that, Babe...
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    My New V3!

    3:16PM March27TH I checked out Me tama earlier, and found out that Patch was gone. I dont feel so bad about it, though. I can Always visit her at Tamatown! The baby awoke during second period and I found it hard to take care of the needed baby and still pay attention in class. Somehow, I...
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    My New V3!

    11:13AM March 25th Last night, I forgot all about PATCH! I feel so retarded! D: When I looked at her this morning, she was sick, she had like 4 poos... and all of her hearts were empty. I feel so... UGH! To make up for it, I quickly cleaned everything up and fed her. I played LOTS of games...
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    My New V3!

    8:16PM I finally donated enough points to the king to be able to see him! He gave Me and Miko a Huge ring. XD I feel so rich.
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    My New V3!

    Thank you, Bounce! :) 3:06pm March 21st Miko, today, turned into an adult. Its the bucked-toothed tamagotchi! I believe its called a Debatchi. Its not quit a Kuchipatchi, but its still very k00t, and Ive been hoping for one for a long time. I used the throne for the first time! Miko looks...
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    My New V3!

    12:17PM March 18th When I awoke, I noticed that Patched turned into a teen. She turned into a Hiratchi. That was one of my favorite tamas on the V2! I also bought two treasure chest items from the shop. They cost 200 points each. Guess what I got when I used them! Two Thrones!!! I dont need...
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    My New V3!

    12:54PM March 17TH Whoa! Ive just visted Tamatown and I found out that I can visit Miko whenever I want!!! How cool is that?! She gives me and Patch a lot of presents. ^^
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    My New V3!

    9:12PM Patch has just changed into a child. It appears to be a Kutchipatchi with no arms or legs... Its so adorable!!!!! Maybe its a sign that I will get Kuchipatchi. :furawatchi:
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    My New V3!

    8:51pm March 16th At about 8:10, I set the time to 12:00am so I can say my goodby to Miko. It was surprisingly sad. :furawatchi: I then set the sime back to 8:10 and began taking care of Patch. I cant wait to see what Patch will bring. After the first generation, the tamagotchi seems to...
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    My New V3!

    7:01PM March 15th Guess what just happend! The Matchmake has just come! Miko is now the proud mother of a baby girl. I'm going to name the new girl Patch, because my favorite tama is Kutchipatchi and I hope it will turn into one. :D I was going to have Miko mate with Astro, but the...
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    how many days before my tama can turn to an adult

    It'll change into an adult at around 3-4 years old.
  16. O

    My New V3!

    11:21PM March 11 I was right! Miko turned into a mimitchi earlier! I was so happy. I was hoping for a new character, but I still like Mimitchi. :D I couldn't wait to play with all the things she couldn't play with when she was a teen. The RC car is really cool! Astro is also an adult. Its...
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    My New V3!

    1:17PM March11th Miko is due to turn into an adult late tonight or early tomorrow! I am so exited! My first adult on the v3! I wonder if Astro has changed into an adult yet... I havn't heard from him in a while.
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    My New V3!

    6:13 March 10th Miko hasn't done much today. The only new thing is, she has all of her training bars full. Yup, all 9! Her weight is kinda getting up there, though. She weighs 31lbs. XD We need to play some games.
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    My New V3!

    3:16PM March 9th I just bought a ball for Miko. She tried to balance on it and fell off. It was kine k00t. Lol. I also connected with Astro, earlier. Miko won! I was so proud. They had to build a castle out of blocks. Lol. Miko won! Yay! While is school, I cought Miko with the little...
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    My New V3!

    5:21PM Whoa! Miko just changed into a teen! She grew into a Patapatchi!(say that 3 times fast) She's very cool looking. Its the first time I've ever had a flying tama. I quickly began to play flag, and I finished round 9 after about 5 tries. I got 300 Points. ^^ Hmm... Maybe I should post her...