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  1. O


    I think Tamagotchi are for geeks... lol... but hey... We love them!
  2. O

    My First Tamagotchi Connection V2 Log eva!

    11:33pm - July 6 JBean: JBean just evolved. :D She evolved into a Cho Himetchi. Shes too cute. I used a bunch of the items, and played slots with her for the first time. She is just too cute and I cant wait to see her do some of her animations. David: He beeped for no reason earlier, and...
  3. O

    Is this too bad?

    It really depends. If all the hearts were empty and it was sick for more than 15 minutes.. than it will count a lot. but if you made it all healthy within 15 minutes of its call, it wond matter at all.
  4. O

    Why the heck do tamagotchis interest you people?

    This isn't exactly Help For New Tamagotchi Pet Owners but I like them because they are like little pocket pets that are inexpensive and take up almost no space at all :mellow:
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    My First Tamagotchi Connection V2 Log eva!

    9:22am - July 6   Surprise! David: I woke up, and David was a teen! A Young Mimitchi! He's so cute. I went to the shop, and bought him a Pencil. It made sense to me... I cant wait untill he can use it :mellow: He only has 3 training bars now, but I think we can pull off six more bars by...
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    How do you get a Ringotchi?

    I think it has a lot in commen with itchigotchi. Just treat you childs with perfect care, and one day...B00m. You'll have it.
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    How do you get a Marumimitchi ?

    No one really knows right now. But we are working on a growth chart here at Tama Talk::.. Why dont you experiment :(
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    What is the Luck Level?

    Luck levels are... I think this page can explain it a lot better than I can::.. and the only place ive seen the Version 2s are in ToysRus... why not check the WalMart site
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    Match Maker

    dont worry, it'll come again. It comes at 10:00am, 3:00pm, and 7:00pm She comes for about 2 days... I think
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    My First Tamagotchi Connection V2 Log eva!

    3:34pm - July 5 Ross(well... sorta): I woke up and saw that Ross was gone. I named the new baby David (after me). I took care of him and an hour later, he turned into a Kuribotchi. Like JBean. He only has 2 Training bars though. I hope to get more soon. *Misses Ross* :( JBean: Today she...
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    4 to 8 years :D I always get mine when its 3. and I thought when you pause your tama, its growth stops all together(even the age). So if its paused... how does that affect the age it turns into an adult. and yes Tamanator111, the matchmaker always finds a proper mate.
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    v2 question!

    You still have to wait untill 12:00am. So its on the second night at 12:00am when your tama leaves.
  13. O

    4th july

    err... nope. But on the 7th, your tama will do something for the Star Festival!
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    My First Tamagotchi Connection V2 Log eva!

    4:57pm - July 4 Happy 4th of July to all of the American...ers! :( JBean: I went down stairs to play my GBA for alittle while, and came back to see JBean with 2 happiness hearts empty. I was feeling lazy so I just gave her a treat. A whole Pizza... and she hated it >_o. That made all of...
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    What a UFO?

    Its not a rip-off. You can only use it when your Tama is an adult. So if you tama is a Teen, child, or baby it cant use the UFO
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    My First Tamagotchi Connection V2 Log eva!

    7:16pm - July 3 Ross: at 7:00pm the matchmaker came and gave Ross a visit. He mated with a beautiful little Cho Himetchi :D Now he'll be starting his next gen soon. Although, I will miss him :D JBean: I bought a doughnut for Her... :huh: besides that.. nothing really new. Besides...
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    What do u think is the best item?

    its true... it gets annoying =\
  18. O

    What do u think is the best item?

    plzz... can you stop posting post after post of like... 2 words... try to put at least 2 sentences in each post :huh: and this isn't neopets, it will take some time for someone to reply. Just post and wait :unsure:
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    have any questions?

    0.0 can you guys please stop double posting. you can say all of that in one post... not 9 =P and yes: I have a question::.. does your Tama got to keep its Gotchi points when it starts a new gen? or does it start from zero?>
  20. O

    My First Tamagotchi Connection V2 Log eva!

    11:41am - July 3 JBean: JBean turned into an teen today and shes too cute :D . She turned into a Hinatchi. Its so cute. And I finally figured out the name of JBean when she was a child. Kuribotchi! So far, I really like JBeans growth thingy. A lot of nice characters! Im playing headi- wait...