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  1. T


    on tamatown i went to my grandparents house and granny gave me a fishing pole and i got 400gp
  2. T

    Tamagotchi Ocean

    Where do u get them? Ive been searching and searching all the shops! (but if its online shopping, nevermind)
  3. T

    Lying friends?

    u can change the time to day or ( i havent tried this) some people say you can press the reset button, then press b, pick download and it will wake up, but i dunno. its 8.55 PM so I'll try it when my tama goes to sleep :D
  4. T

    does neone kno?

    if ur talkin bout v1, this is v3 year! and i have a v3 already and ur asking when are the tamagotchi connections comin out. baka :D
  5. T

    TAMATOWN is TOO childish!

    me too.. P.S where did u get ur avvie? pm me plz!
  6. T

    debugging your tamagothi

    dont debug a v3
  7. T

    Somthing strange

    it doesnt work for u cuz ur sound doesnt work, but if ur sound worked, all u have to do, is put ur ear to the back of ur tama and u will hear a beeping sound. Tip: if ur sound doesnt work, press A and C and put it ton, and if that doesnt work, try dropping it! (thats how i fixed mine) but dont...
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    Somthing strange

    same thing happened to my v3! but all u have to do, is drop it again! Not too hard, wouldnt wanna break it! my sound works again now, cuz i drop it whenevr it stops working!
  9. T

    Somthing strange

    actually, thats wat keeps the sound alive. a few days ago, my sound stopped working (even if i put it on) and when i tried to listen to the beeping it didnt work, but now (thank god) the sound works again and now i can hear the beeoing when i put my ear to the back of my tamagotchi! This is my...
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    hey thats good! but whatever u do, DONT EVER EVER EVER DEBUG A V3!! IT RUINS THE WHOLE THING! soemone told me this! U CANT ENTER PASSWORDS AND STUFF! Its best to do it on a v1 or v2!
  11. T

    how to get......mimiyoritchi!

    and wheres the v3 chart, they dont hav it on anymore
  12. T

    how to get......mimiyoritchi!

    ur talkin bout...pyonkotchi? or maybe..nvm LOL
  13. T

    Provent Failing Connections Happening.

    yea, last summer, when i me and my friend were connecting our v2's, (it was a sunny day) her tama failed and i played tug of war by myself! I wonder who was at the end of the rope... :o After that, we decided to give eah other presents. So we connected. and this time I failed and my...
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    Free tama holder.

    aww too bad i already threw mine away...
  15. T

    Tama Crafts

    kewl! I dont have any paper plates though.. but ill try to get some so i can make a frisbee! But do they really work like frisbees?
  16. T

    How good is Pyonkotchi?

    i had a pyonkotchi in my first genereation and Its my fave tamagotchi, I think its 3rd best!
  17. T

    wut is your most fav thing to do

    waitin for the friggen thing to evolve! *mutters* LOL, I love my tamagotchi!!
  18. T

    Adoption center

    :huh: : heya! Im outta here! Yayyy! Lets go teletchi12! I dont wanna be here anymore! *all the others start shouting, then everyone runs out to tamatalkgal4000 except for lolly, who belongs to teletchi 12* well, theyre all gone, oh look! we have more!! WHOAH! WE HAVE AN ENDLESS SUPPLY!!!
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    Adoption center

    ok u can have: 1 :lol: 2 :unsure: 3 :ph34r: 4 :furawatchi: 5 :wacko: 6 :blink: 7 :ichigotchi: 8 :huh: 9 :pochitchi: 10 :mametchi: 11 :kuribotchi: 12 :hitodetchi: 13 :marumimitchi: 14 :mimitchi: what will you name them?