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  1. T

    Wrapped Presents

    The thing is, you can´t give wrapped presents from V2s into V1s. You can only exchange presents with two V2s. I don´t know yet about the V3s! :rolleyes: *Tama-Shiba*
  2. T


    Well, first of all, they both have to be adults. Second, they both have to get four hearts. And finally, they only mate at a certain age/day. :rolleyes: *Tama-Shiba*
  3. T

    I WON!

    Congratulations!! But aren´t you going to get a V3? V1s are very old now.... :) *Tama-Shiba*
  4. T

    WHAT THE HECK!?>>>>>>>>>>

    Yes, this happened before. It is probally because you have too many foods in your ´´treat´´ list. Delete some, and then it will probally work! :) *Tama-Shiba*
  5. T

    am I the only person here who has twins on a v3?

    Personally, ddc2003, i do not believe you. I noticed this the first time I saw it. That is the BUMP GAME. You just had a Maskutchi, and you had to compete against another Maskutchi in the game. *Tama-Shiba*
  6. T

    Connexion Version 3 packaging

    Yep, those V3s ARE real. I have bought one of those, wich was the tropical green flowers design. (It´s on it´s way through the post). lol I already knew about these- there are loads of them on ebay! :) *Tama-Shiba*
  7. T

    please help me

    Yes, as DarkCore said, they are out in the USA, Canada and Australia.. Although they haven´t come out in Europe yet. As rumours concerned, they will be coming out in March or April. *Tama-Shiba*
  8. T

    My Tamagachi is sleeping and won't wake up

    Yes, some tamagotchis wake up at 8:00, 9:00, 10:00 or 11:00. :) *Tama-Shiba*
  9. T

    I lost the icons on my V3

    It´s ok, as long as you don´t type in capital letters anymore! :D *Tama-Shiba*
  10. T

    Weird tama

    Yes, this is because the V3 has even more new characters than the V2. Same with the V1 and V2. The V3 has more ´developed´characters that don´t exist in the V2. That´s why that character appears on the friend list! *Tama-Shiba*
  11. T

    I lost the icons on my V3

    Please don´t write in capital letters. It is considered as you are shouting, or actually ´´spamming´´. *Tama-Shiba*
  12. T


    That should be because of the attention icon. It should be highlited. What you have to do is praise him/her. Sometimes when the attention icon is highlited the tamagotchi may be crying. Other times it may just want attention and it is acting just as normal. :blink: *Tama-Shiba*
  13. T

    new girl on the block

    Hello, and welcome to the site! :blink: Enjoy your time on TamaTalk! *Tama-Shiba*
  14. T

    Let's go v3! let's go!Whoo Whoo!

    Although I haven´t got one yet, i know they are the best! :blink: *Tama-Shiba*
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    Well, i can´t exactly say that it will turn into a Mimitchi. I had a young Mimitchi ( B) ) before, and it turned into a Marumimitchi ( :) ). But there is a big chance on getting a Mimitchi! *Tama-Shiba*
  16. T

    Hello, i´m new!

    Hello, everyone! I am new to this site, and i have been looking on here for quite a while (since January) and just today i suscribed! I have two V2s, and my V3 is on it´s way! Pleased to meet you all! :) *Tama-Shiba*