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  1. T

    New Tamagotchi V3s on ebay!

    OK that´s good! ;)
  2. T

    V3 Characters

    Well, you could always find out on here :angry: :
  3. T

    were are you from

    I was born in England, but I moved here to Spain when I was about 10. I am nearly 12 now :angry: I love Spain!!
  4. T

    New Tamagotchi V3s on ebay!

    So, did anyone else like them?
  5. T

    New Tamagotchi V3s on ebay!

    Yes- I´m sorry that is the Spanish ebay.. I always go on there, seeing as I live In Spain :( But it makes no difference, because all the items on there are English, all the sellers are English, and the descriptions of the items are in English :angry:
  6. T

    New Tamagotchi V3s on ebay!

    On Ebay, they are now selling the brand new designs of V3! Here´s the black one (my favourite): The Blue bubbles: The Pink ribbons (i love this one)...
  7. T

    Connexion Version 3 packaging

    Yes, those mini-lanyards are cool :o My V2 has one of them (I got it off Ebay). I am getting one of those Tamagotchis (V3) off Ebay. There are loads of them for sale!! :wacko: *Tama-Shiba*
  8. T

    I know tamagothci's wont use the Makeup!

    Hanae, this is not spam. YOU are spamming now!! :o *Tama-Shiba*
  9. T


    -Also, when you wrap something up to give to another person (by connecting) and your tama gives another present (such as poo, nothing, a snake,..etc) he will come back into your tamagotchi and he will start laughing. Punish him, and you will have another bar full! :) *Tama-Shiba*
  10. T


    I don´t know anything about entamas, sorry. There is a person who I know who has an Entama, though. Spiffy. :) *Tama-Shiba*
  11. T

    Connecting V2 and V3

    Yes, that´s what I said, but I contained more words and information... :) lol *Tama-Shiba*
  12. T

    Connecting V2 and V3

    Yes, this is because the V3 has more characters than V2. Same with V1 and the V2. It´s because V3 has more ´developed´characters that don´t exist in V2 or V1. That´s why it comes that Nazotchi character in the older versions of tamagotchi (V1 or V2) because it does not recognize the character...
  13. T

    I know tamagothci's wont use the Makeup!

    Oh wow! I will do that when I get my V3! :) Thanks very much for that tip.. It is most appreciated :P *Tama-Shiba*
  14. T

    somethig bad happend :(

    I´m sure that you can get the password again on your Tamagotchi... *Tama-Shiba*
  15. T


    Oh, OK. Thanks! :blink: *Tama-Shiba*
  16. T


    Every time I go into TamaTown (I don´t have a V3 yet) It always gives me a passport! I have about 20 passports by now... What´s going wrong here? *Tama-Shiba*
  17. T

    How many tamas do you have?

    I have 4: Two V1s, Two V2s. In March I will have 5, since I am getting a V3! (tropical green flowers) :unsure: *Tama-Shiba*
  18. T

    am I the only person here who has twins on a v3?

    I´m sorry, but I will say this one more time. That is the BUMP GAME. No-body believes you, as this is a total lie. How can you possibly feed, play and connect with two tamagotchis at the same time!!? :) *Tama-Shiba*
  19. T

    am I the only person here who has twins on a v3?

    Yes, it isn´t true. You can tell perfectly. That is the BUMP GAME. :rolleyes: I think ddc2003 is just playing a joke on us. This is spam. A Guide should close this. *Tama-Shiba*
  20. T

    can someone help me?

    If you live in the USA, Canada, Australia, etc there must be tamagotchis (V3) somewhere.... But if you live in Europe, rumour has it that they will release in March or in April. I think that if you live in Europe it is best to get one off Ebay, like I did. :rolleyes: *Tama-Shiba*