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  1. T

    Tips, Tricks, and Codes (4 V3)

    thanks for the info, Tamafan170!!! It really helped! :unsure: ~Tama-Shiba~
  2. T


    do you really think Paparatchis are nerds? I have one, and I think they´re really cute! :unsure: ~Tama-Shiba~
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    you dont have to bring it to school B) what I do is I usually put it on Pause or I put it to sleep at home. But I normally bring my tamagotchi to school. I put it in my pocket and I put it on pause until break time... or in class I just put it in my pencil case and make sure no one sees me...
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    Entama Tips and Tricks

    Well done, Spiffy!! :) You sure done a good job on that :unsure:
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    V3 questions

    well, there is quite a lot of difference, really :unsure: I´ll try and remember them all... the differences in v3s are: -New characters -New games (there are 6 games in total) -New food features (for meal you can choose up to 5 meals, and on snack you can choose up to 5 snacks) -You have...
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    lol here you go :) : Just click that :)
  7. T

    Where did u get your tama?

    well, if you´re looking for a v2, then they´re everywhere ;) If it´s a V3, then they´ll probally be sold out, because they´re new and they just came out. If they´re sold out everywhere, then the place to go to is Ebay :unsure: oh, and I´m getting my v3 from Harrods.... well, I already got...
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    Who ate the cake?

    What is this topic about, exactly? I dont get it
  9. T

    TamaTown has been upgraded

    yes, I´ve noticed that they´ve updated it along time ago :( I can´t wait until it´s finished. Let´s just leave it to Bandai and we´ll see!! :)
  10. T

    Are Tamagochis getting Boring and annoying?

    well, I usually pause my tama if I dont want it to bother me <_< and if it wakes me up in the morning, I´ll just pause him and I´ll go back to sleep- and when I wake up, I have the whole day to play with it! :angry:
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    do you mean the school off Tamatown? if it is, then I have no idea what it would be like :angry: lol Let´s just leave it to Bandai and see what happens <_<
  12. T

    OMG, Just look at these Tamagotchis!

    of course they´re not Entamas!! Those are Asian V3s- new colours!!
  13. T

    Pen on V3

    Thanks for the info, Chlemma!! I will take note of that when I get a V3 :)
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    OMG, Just look at these Tamagotchis!

    yep, they´re Asian- before, the same seller was selling the blue waves, translucent yellow, pink with ice-creams, camo blue, etc- and they were in the same packages as those; Asian packages :wacko: They´re exactly the same as Connections and Connexions, but the only thing different is the...
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    OMG, Just look at these Tamagotchis!

    These are the new Tamagotchi V3s what I just found on Ebay! They look fake, but I´ve got a feeling that they aren´t :) :
  16. T

    Which Tamagotchi V3 design is your favorite?

    I love ALL of them, exept the translucent yellow... I´m getting a V3 tomorrow, and I don´t mind what colour I get, seeing as I love all of them!! ^_^ V3s rule!! lol
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    In my school, everyone knows what a Tamagotchi is- nearly the whole school has one, too ^_^ They´re not banned, but my teacher confiscated my friend´s tama only for one day, becasue my friend was playing with it during classes- well, I don´t think she´ll be doing that again! :D
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    my new baby

    hey, I love your site, Hipchickrach!!
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    Just for girls?

    just ignore them :puroperatchi: - Tamagotchis are for EVERYONE, wether you´re a girl, or a boy- I know tons of boys in my school who have them. they´re just being stupid :puroperatchi:
  20. T

    my new baby

    I love the name Fliss :puroperatchi: