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  1. T

    *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*

    I don't think it's a heart beat. I think it's the clock what tells the time inside the Tamagotchi. If you listen to it, and then click the middle button (when the time and date shows) just listen! :( ~Tama-Shiba~
  2. T


    yes, debugging does work. I've seen pictures of a debugged Tamagotchi on a website before, but I can't seem to find it- I'll have a look for you! :( ~Tama-Shiba~
  3. T


    It's a pleasure to help anyone on this site who needs help! :D ~Tama-Shiba~
  4. T

    tama characters

    There is a Version 3 Character Chart on this site :( You can go to it at: Hope I helped, ~Tama-Shiba~
  5. T

    sometimes my shop wont let me buy things!

    yes, like Kaggie-Chan said; there can be too many foods in your inventory. The other thing is, you might not have enough money to buy the item you wanted! :huh: ~Tama-Shiba~
  6. T


    yes, it also has to be an adult B) ~Tama-Shiba~
  7. T


    I think it has to be about 7 years old to turn into an adult. B) Hope I helped, ~Tama-Shiba~
  8. T

    Welcome me back?

    I'll try and remember them all B) ... the differences in v3s are: -New characters -New games (there are 6 games in total) -New food features (for meal you can choose up to 5 meals, and on snack you can choose up to 5 snacks) -You have to put a username (lol I just call it a nickname) ...
  9. T

    Is a V3 worth the money?

    I personally think that V3s are worth it B) In England, they cost around 12.00 pounds, and in Spain, around 20.00 euros. I think that in USA they cost about $16.00. Hope I helped, ~Tama-Shiba~
  10. T


    yes, you need a mirror to use the make up. The other thing is, you can only use the make up if your Tamagotchi is a girl! If it is a boy, (even with the mirror) he wont use the make up. B) Hope I helped, ~Tama-Shiba~
  11. T

    Connection IR prob please Help

    is it because you're always pressing the buttons when you connect and you dont stop? What you have to do is that you only press the middle button 2 times max. The other suggestion is that take your Tamagotchi out of the sun. I tried to connect in the sun, and it doesnt work. B) Hope I...
  12. T

    I donated to king and didn't get a password?

    lol Super-Ant, you dont have to reset it. Just take note on what tama05 said! :D ~Tama-Shiba~
  13. T

    is V3 the best tama yet.

    I personally think that V3s are really cool :D I have a V3 and its the coolest tamagotchi I have ever owned ; ) but I think entamas would be cool if they were in English! ( i dont have an entama) :D ~Tama-Shiba~
  14. T

    What is your V3?

    my one is a teen Patapatchi :D ~Tama-Shiba~
  15. T

    Identity crisis?

    lol No prob :unsure: ~Tama-Shiba~
  16. T

    bump- how?!

    really? There must be something wrong then...
  17. T

    bump- how?!

    it always goes automatically, but when you see it is long enough, you got to press the button B really quickly to stop it there!! :unsure: ~Tama-Shiba~
  18. T

    Identity crisis?

    Yes, this is because the V3 has more characters than V2. Same with V1 and the V2. It´s because V3 has more ´developed´characters that don´t exist in V2 or V1. That´s why it comes that Nazotchi character in the older versions of tamagotchi (V1 or V2) because it does not recognize the character...
  19. T

    bump- how?!

    lol :unsure: It´ll get easier once you get the hang of it. first, you have to make the 'strengh bar' up to full strengh, if you can do it. (by pressing C to stop it). After, when your tamagotchi starts bumping the other, you have to keep on pressing the middle (button B )... And you might...
  20. T

    do you wont to chose your character?

    lol yes, it is called debugging :unsure: anyway, thanks for the info, Mynci_lover123123!! ~Tama-Shiba~