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  1. Yellowmoodtama

    What are you doing right now?

    I'm petting my cat. He's purring really loudly. :huh: He just walked away...
  2. Yellowmoodtama

    Tama v5 or v5.5 CONFUSION! Help please?

    To get everything for free for the V5 Celebrity (or v5.5) click here. If you scroll down it gives you websites on how to get items for free and you can download the EnWarehouse as well.
  3. Yellowmoodtama

    i cant get on music city!

    Ok, even though I don't have a Music Star you can still go on Music City so I clicked "Create a free acount" and nothing happened. Every time I click something nothing happens! What's wrong? Is it my computer or Music City? Help!
  4. Yellowmoodtama

    Name Alphabet.

  5. Yellowmoodtama

    Bloody Mary

    I googled La Llorana too (pretty freaky images) and was reading some of the stories or legends about her and then my cat walked in the room and I thought it was La Llorona so it scared the crap out of me!
  6. Yellowmoodtama

    Favourite Tama Version

    The v5.5 isn's the v4.5, it's the V5 Celebrity which was an "improvement" I guess to the V5.
  7. Yellowmoodtama

    A Question here I have been waiting to ask people!

    I think Makiko's really cute. I don't know what people have against her.
  8. Yellowmoodtama

    True or False?

    True? lol i kinda like the smell of buy spray so... My cat is a girl.
  9. Yellowmoodtama

    Do you like Kuromametchi?

    I love Kuromametchi (along with Mimitchi, Memetchi and Mametchi lol) he's one of my favorite characters. He's like Mametchi's bad-boy twin. And I like bad-boys. :huh: :huh: :huh:
  10. Yellowmoodtama

    Do you like Mametchi?

    Mametchi is like the face of Tamagotchi's (if that makes sense lol). Like, he's the main character, who doesn't love him or his cuteness? :huh: RULES!
  11. Yellowmoodtama

    Favourite Tama Version

    I like the V5.5 the best. It doesn't require that much attention so for me that's a good thing. :huh:
  12. Yellowmoodtama

    Tamagotchi v5 or v5.5?

    The V5.5 is probably better because it's the improved version of the V5. The V5.5 is the V5 Celebrity because you can try to get the Royal Family in it. The difference is the V5 has different families (Mame, Meme, Voilet, Kuchipa, etc.) while the V5.5 has the Royal Family. The games are also...
  13. Yellowmoodtama

    Do you like the Music Star?

    I don't have a Music Star but I'm probably going to get one for my birthday soon so I wanted to know what you guys think of the Music Star. Share your opinions please!
  14. Yellowmoodtama

    v3 tamagotchi connection

    V3s can connect with V4s. I'm not entirely sure if they can or can't connect with the Music Star but I'm pretty sure they can't.
  15. Yellowmoodtama

    What irratates you?

    There's this girl in my grade who thinks I'm her best friend and I'm not so it really annoys me when she always says "Bye! Love ya!" I really wanna tell her to shut up and that I'm only her friend but I can't. Ugh.
  16. Yellowmoodtama


    I love fmylife so much! i have the app for it on my itouch and I read it all the time. it always puts me in a good mood.
  17. Yellowmoodtama


    Love the idea! I remember a few years ago my friends and I were making suggestions for future Tamagotchis and a Tamaphone idea came up. I'd totally buy one because then you can stay in touch with the tamas on your friends list even if you're miles away.
  18. Yellowmoodtama

    Do Tamas die?

    I think they go back to Tama-Planet and leave the baby behind because they've had their time here on earth and want to give their baby a chance to experience it too. But when they leave because of the bad care we've given them, I think they go to Tama-Planet to live a better life. :D
  19. Yellowmoodtama

    Which DS do you have?

    I have two DS lites because my 1st one got lost so we bought me another one for my birthday and then I found the 1st one! :D I also have a Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Gamboy Advance SP and a Wii (which are half mine, half my brothers too). My family absolutely loves Nintendo!
  20. Yellowmoodtama

    Bloody Mary

    I remember we used to do Bloody Mary in 3rd grade. 3 of us would go to the bathroom during lunch. One would go in the bathroom and do the whole "ritual" thing while the other 2 waited outside the bathroom. I remember we would turn off the lights and spin around three times saying Bloody Mary...