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  1. Yellowmoodtama

    Half Empty or half full?

    It really depends on the object I'm talking about but usually I say halff empty. :furawatchi: I'm suchh a pessimist.
  2. Yellowmoodtama

    How many Tamagotchi's do you have?

    I have 5 all together. 1-V2 1-V3 2-V4.5 1-V5 And I might get a Music Star soon... My V2 and one of my 4.5's are broken and currently I'm running my V3 and V4.5.
  3. Yellowmoodtama

    Your Opinion On V5 Familitchis

    I think the V5 is pretty fun for the most part. It's very unique from other tamas and it's fun trying to figure out which family you'll end up with. On the other hand, it starts to become boring because you'll notice that there aren't a lot of adult characters that your tamas might end up as...
  4. Yellowmoodtama


    I Picnik some photos, but not all of them. Most of the time I use Picnik to fix my pimples or shadows or something... ^_^ But yeah it is fun but it can also be a little time consuming.
  5. Yellowmoodtama

    Do you sing in the shower?

    Haha yeahh I sing in the shower... a lot. My brothers make fun of me for it alllll the time but whatever, I'm just practicing my vocals. ^_^ Usually I sing the Beatles but occasionally I sing Hannah Montana. ;)
  6. Yellowmoodtama

    Your LEAST favourite Tamagotchi version

    Probably the V5. It's the easiest to take care of so that can kinda be the downside. It gets boring really fast and the screen is weird and hard to see. Also you can't name your tamas, you can only name the family as a whole. My favorite would probably be the V2 because it's very simply and...
  7. Yellowmoodtama

    Most Annoying Stage On A Tama

    Definately the baby stage because they're sooo needy and you can't do anything with them! You can't play with certain items, or leave them alone for five minutes because when you get back they have zero hearts and are sick and blah blah blah. And you only have one game too. They just get...
  8. Yellowmoodtama


    I used to know a few guys who played tamagotchis, including my brothers. But it seems like today most of the shells are more revolved around girls than boys, so I would say that yes they're a bit more girly nowadays.
  9. Yellowmoodtama

    Whats the 1st Tamagotchi you EVER had?

    mine was a v2. it doesnt work anymore because i dropped it in a puddle ^_^
  10. Yellowmoodtama

    Favorite Characters! 2nd Batch!

    My favorite has to be Dazzilitchi. She's so cute and lovable!
  11. Yellowmoodtama

    How many posts do you make in a day?

    1 :huh: My goal is to try to get it to 2!
  12. Yellowmoodtama

    What do the Travel Ticket and Boarding Pass do?

    The Travel Ticket is like the Travel Channel, it takes your tamas to different places but they're actually being paused. The Boarding Pass just shows your tamas an air plane moving around. I hope I helped! EDIT: The Travel Ticket isn't reusable unless you get another one but the Boarding Pass is.
  13. Yellowmoodtama

    Have you ever had...

    Yup, but it wasn't that big of a deal for me. I accidentally misplaced my tamagotchi for two days and when I finally found it again it had a little egg thing with angel wings on it. But I didn't cry or anything, it's just a virtual pet.
  14. Yellowmoodtama

    How do you like V5.5?

    I'm running a V5.5 right now and I love it a lot! It's probably not better than the other versions (because I know a lot of people think that the Familitchi idea is stupid) but it's still really fun to play. Here's one tip- the time they call for bonding is 9:30 am, 1:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:30 pm...
  15. Yellowmoodtama

    Where to find v5.5

    Yeah, it's going to be a bit hard to find it in stores now that the Music Star came out. But you could try the internet- Amazon, eBay, etc. Good luck, I hope you find one!
  16. Yellowmoodtama

    Download, or Reset, V5.5

    Maybe it's a glitch? Have you dropped your tamagotchi recently? Gotten any water in it? Try taking out the battery and plugging it back in. Also make sure all the screws are tight. I hope this helps!
  17. Yellowmoodtama

    i cant get on music city!

    Well I do have a really old computer... thanks for the help!
  18. Yellowmoodtama

    Why do you have Tamagotchis

    I love tamas because they're so much fun to take care of and watch grow up. Every version of tamagotchis sort of has its own theme- like the V6 Music Star, V5 Familitchi, V4 and V4.5 is mainly about the jobs, V3 is about the internet thing, etc. And I love getting the next version.
  19. Yellowmoodtama

    What are you scared of?

    I'm afraid of the horn of a big 18 wheeler truck because it usually ends in a car crash or something worse. I'm also a little freaked out by stairs, especially really steep stairs, because a girl almost pushed me down them so ever since then I've been really freaked out.
  20. Yellowmoodtama

    What do YOU do all day?

    Today and for the next month, except the weekends, I'm going to a day camp. It kinda stinks but it's not that bad because we get to go in the pool two times a day and eat every hour or so.