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  1. Yellowmoodtama

    Which iPod do you have?

    I have a pink 2gen nano and an iTouch. But I can't even use iTunes anymore because I bought too much so now I owe iTunes $20 and my parents won't help pay it with their credit card. I can't even get free stuff anymore. :ichigotchi: :furawatchi:
  2. Yellowmoodtama

    What are you listening to now?

    Break Your Heart- Taio Cruz ft. Ludacris
  3. Yellowmoodtama

    How old to be dating?

    My parents won't let me date until I'm 16, but I don't think that's the rule anymore considering that my brother's been dating since he was 13. But my parents definition of dating is when a guy has a car and a job and can afford to pick uou up at your house, take you out to dinner and pay for it...
  4. Yellowmoodtama


    I have tons of scars on my face, unfortunately. There's a scar on my forehead when I accidentally scratched myself there when I was three and just kept picking the scab. It's not that noticable though. And I have a scar on my nose from when I banged it into a rock. It bled a lot and I think I...
  5. Yellowmoodtama

    The Girls Life Quiz

    1. How old are you? almost 14 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? no 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? sorta... 4. What grade are you in? going into 9th 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? a better nose 6. Do you have any pets? yes 7. If the answer to #6 is...
  6. Yellowmoodtama

    Do you have glasses

    I've had glasses since I was 6 and I HATEEEE them. So when I was eleven I got contacts and they're so much better! I don't even wear my glasses out of the house anymore. The only people who are allowed to see my in glasses are my family and my friends at a sleepover. So my suggestion to you is...
  7. Yellowmoodtama

    Do you have a annoying neighbour?!

    My neighbor isn't just annoying, she's a complete stalker!! She tried to arrest me and my brother's for harrassment, and in order to arrest us she needed proof so she video tapes us in our own backyard! :) You'd probably think she's some old lady right? Wrong. She's a 40 year old mother and...
  8. Yellowmoodtama

    Let's Bring tamagotchi back!

    Good ideas! I actually managed about 5 friends of mine to buy tamas a few years ago. Then my school banned them so it didn't work out so well. But I agree that cell phones and game boys have replaced tamas ;) They might come back though, like how skinny jeans came back from the 80's. ;)
  9. Yellowmoodtama

    Why Do You Play With Tamagotchi's? :o

    I play with them mostly because I'm bored. And I love having that responsibility over them. I heard about them when I was 8 at a summer camp. Everyone had one so I went and got my first tama- a V2, at Walmart. Wow that brings back memories.... (flashback) I remember that when everyone would go...
  10. Yellowmoodtama


    I guess my parents approve. They don't dislike them but they make fun of me for playing with them lol. They think I'm too old to play with these kind of toys but I ignore it.
  11. Yellowmoodtama

    Your Dream Tamagotchi

    My dream tamagotchi would -be rechargeable -have a screen like the Tamagotchi Color, colorful and able to be seen in the dark -not be very needy, but not boring either -a wide variety of games to play -no skill points, I hate those -be able to make money when you play the games (you can't...
  12. Yellowmoodtama

    Do u have a music star?

    I have two. They're fun the first couple generations but after the third it starts to get... I don't know... boring and annoying.
  13. Yellowmoodtama

    Is your tama...

    Haha not really anymore. I mean, I used to when they were brand new and my entire life revolved around them. But that only happens over vacations and my last vaca was a month ago so now they are paused for most of the day due to school, sports, etc. Around the third generation they seem to get...
  14. Yellowmoodtama

    V4 or V4.5

    V4.5 because it has better games and cuter characters! The jobs are also cuter too.
  15. Yellowmoodtama

    What Are You Currently Running?

    I'm currently running two Music Stars... inbetween school, homework, sports, and other stuff so they get paused a bit but whenever I have the chance I play with them.
  16. Yellowmoodtama

    "dislike" button for facebook?

    I wish there was a dislike button but it will probably never happen. :D We wanted a dislike button, not another like button for the fan pages. :/
  17. Yellowmoodtama

    Does your school do walks?

    My school recently did an ACES walk (I have no idea what that stands for). We basically walked around the school building once and it was to encourage exercise and get rid of obesity...?
  18. Yellowmoodtama

    Have you ever wished to become a Tamagotchi?

    I've never really thought about being a tama. It would be nice to escape the pressures of everyday life and have someone take care of it for me but as others have said it would really depend on how well my owner would take care of me. I have wished to become a cat though... :D
  19. Yellowmoodtama


    I'm sorry about the surgery :P I have scoliosic too but not that bad. Mine is only a 4 or 5 degree angle so my doctors told me not to worry about it.
  20. Yellowmoodtama

    Do you remember your first tama?

    Yes I do, it was over the summer a few years ago... maybe five years ago. I was at a day camp and my younger brother found a tamagotchi on the ground and he gave it to me. So technically the tama never really belonged to me lol. It was a Hawaiin print V2, at least I think that's what it's...