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  1. Yellowmoodtama

    Lost Tamagotchis

    I lost my V4.5 about four years ago... haven't found it yet. :angry: One time I temporarily misplaced my v3 for about a day but by the time I found it, my Tama had died. <_<
  2. Yellowmoodtama

    Freak Like Me.

    When I talk to people and I get kind of nervous I twist my earrings back and forth. Even when I don't talk to people I just twist my earrings lol.
  3. Yellowmoodtama

    Who else reads this?

    I know that sometimes I should but... No. :blink: Kinda like the terms&conditions, no one reads those.
  4. Yellowmoodtama

    Music Star glitch?

    My Music Star just ran out of battery, so I replaced it. When I pressed download, everything I have, the items, meals, snacks, stuff in the shop, is now bread. I tried replacing it with a different battery, I've hit the reset button and pressed download 1000 times but none of my items are coming...
  5. Yellowmoodtama

    Music Downloads..

    I used to use Limewire until it got shut down. Now I've just completely given up on downloading music. I'm not gonna waste $1.30 for one song when I can just listen to the radio or use Youtube. EDIT: Is Bearshare a safe thing to download? Or should I avoid it?
  6. Yellowmoodtama

    What are you listening to now?

    "Boyfriend" by Big Time Rush. It's their best song. I'm addicted. :lol:
  7. Yellowmoodtama

    Signature/Avatar -- What is it?

    My signature is pretty self-explanatory. My avatar is really confusing for someone who hasn't seen A Very Potter Musical or A Very Potter Sequel (greats musicals, you can find them on Youtube). The person in my avvie is Lauren Lopez and she plays Draco Malfoy in AVPM/AVPS. Draco's thing is that...
  8. Yellowmoodtama

    What's your opinion on wizards of waverly place?

    I've watched a few episodes. It's definately better than Hannah Montana... but I hate when they rip off Harry Potter with those glasses and robes and stuff :angry: That totally annoys me.
  9. Yellowmoodtama

    Tamagotchi V6 items

    I was unable to find a list or chart, however I did find an item/points generator. Click here and if you follow the instructions, you can get any item/food/instrument/toy for free. I've tried this and it does work. Have fun!
  10. Yellowmoodtama

    KIRBY! :D

    My favorite is definately the Amazing Mirror. Squeak Squad was good too, but the Super Star Ultra was a little bit of a letdown for me.
  11. Yellowmoodtama

    Pokemon Black and White

    The new Pokemon are going to take some getting used to... but the graphics look really good and there's a new twist to the plot so I can't wait till these games come out.
  12. Yellowmoodtama

    What Pokemon reigon did you grow up in?

    I started playing Pokemon when I was five, and my first game was Red but I didn't really care for it that much. When I was seven, I got Sapphire and that's the game I really played a lot, so I guess I grew up in the Hoenn region.
  13. Yellowmoodtama

    Are tamas gettin too girly?

    I think everything before the V4 was pretty neutral, but after that the designs seemed to be more on the girly side, except for the Tama-Go which is also pretty neutral. At my Walmart where I buy my Tamas, they're actually not put in the girl section. They're put in section with other small...
  14. Yellowmoodtama


    I think the highest I've gotten up to is the 9th generation. I tend to lose interest after a couple months of playing. I'm currently on the 8th generation for my Music Star, but I haven't been playing this one consecutively. I play about three generations then I stop for a month, then play...
  15. Yellowmoodtama

    Valentines Hatching!

    I'd like to join too! I'll join with my Music Star.
  16. Yellowmoodtama

    Do you ever feel like a tama loner?

    Wow that's actually the story of my life. When I was 8-11 everything was great because I knew a tonn of people that had Tamas. Now people just say "You play with Tamagotchis? Ok..." So now I'm a TamaLoner. B)
  17. Yellowmoodtama

    Fictional character crushes.

    I used to have a huge crush on Ash from Pokemon when I was younger :rolleyes: Now I have an insane crush on Jace from The Immortal Instruments series.
  18. Yellowmoodtama

    what is ur first favorite or first tama character EVER!

    My first and favorite was Memetchi :P
  19. Yellowmoodtama

    How did you discover Tamagotchi?

    I went to a camp and everyone had the V2, so I got one lol. Not a very exciting story... but I remember when it was time to go in the pool, there would be more than ten Tamas lined up on a towel and one person would watch over them while everyone else went swimming. Those were the days...
  20. Yellowmoodtama

    Your Motto

    Mine is "semper ubi sub ubi". Anyone who can read Latin might be able to figure this one out ;)