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  1. C

    - making myself known -

    Thanks, maybe I'll PM you sometime. :) It's a maybe because - well, I'm lazy. xD
  2. C


    There is someone for everyone, even if it isn't now! And your right...not about being ugly - god! Your right about getting a GF when your older. Believe shouldn't worry about getting a GF when your 10, 11, 12, or even 13. Girls that that make me wonder if it's really true girls mature...
  3. C

    Do you have a friend/s

    You sound very appreciative, I find that very attractive in a person - or people. :( (er, not in a romantic way, you know!) I don't have spoiled friends, because there is no way I could get along with a spoiled person. I have a lot of nice things, but I'm not rich nor spoiled.
  4. C

    That's freaking messed up.

    I think we've just located a group of people that have nothing better to do with their time - I mean, honestly. They are probably slobs that think they know the world, typing up nasty things about what people wear - about their individual style - just because they don't have lives of there own...
  5. C

    Pokemon Diamond/Pearl?

    It's either that I guess, or you receive gifts from events. Not friends. =/
  6. C

    What colour...

    I have an old metallic blue one, and a white lite.
  7. C

    'Ummm' -hangs up-

    He's trying to tell you that - he loves you, and he's gay.
  8. C

    OMG! Yay!

    Good for you, that's really all I can say. 'Cause, I'm no fan of the Jonas Brothers! X_X But my cousin met them in real
  9. C

    Whats ur Fave T.V. show?

    Naruto, Inu Yasha, Project Runway, && Total Drama Island. <3
  10. C

    do you like pierceings?

    Blowing your nose with a piercing WOULD be gross. 0.0 (but that is coming from a complete n00b, so i dunno)
  11. C


    The last day of September. :puroperatchi:
  12. C

    - making myself known -

    Yeah, I agree. People will learn stuff about you soon enough when you start posting...
  13. C

    My Best Friends

    Yeah, that's true. :gozarutchi:
  14. C

    My Best Friends

    Ok, cool! It's gonna be neat knowing there is at least one TT member that lives in the same state as me. x3
  15. C

    - making myself known -

    Simple is good. =3 Welcome to TamaTalk!
  16. C


    Ooo, cool. Welcome to TamaTalk! (I'm stalking the member that posted before me! > :puroperatchi: )
  17. C

    Computer Desktop

    Can someone tell me how to take a screenshot? I've never been able too throughout these topics. -.-
  18. C


    Moshi Moshi, welcome to TamaTalk! :puroperatchi: I love Tokyo Mew Mew...PM me anytime to chat! =D Crys*
  19. C

    How bob the dissaproving stalker

    Um, ok...
  20. C

    Pokemon Diamond/Pearl?

    Whoever was telling you to do that was wrong. This is the REAL way to do it: 1) Go to the Jubilife TV station in Jubilife City. 2) Go to the 3rd floor. 3) Talk to the man in the lower room (he’s on the left). 4) The first two words you tell him are “everyone” and “happy“. 5) the second two...