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  1. C

    Pictures of your pet

    That's not your cat.
  2. C

    Whats wrong

    If your young, that's why.
  3. C

    Weird things you enjoy

    That's what I do - hold my breath. One time I woke up in the middle of the night because I was holding my breath in my sleep. :huh: It's kinda scary. :o :huh:
  4. C

    Favorite Naruto pairing

    I totally agree with you. I also like SasuNaru, too. ♥♥ Neji and TenTen make an adorable couple. :(
  5. C

    Hamha ^__^;

    lol, yay! PM me anytime. You sound awesome. x3 i love anime too!
  6. C

    Abercrombie, Hollister,etc.

    Thank you! I agree with you 100%!! :marumimitchi:
  7. C

    Girl legally changes her embarrasing name

    I've known kids named Ben Dover and Ryan Gayman, but they aren't even close to Tulula does the Hula in Hawaii. o.o wow...
  8. C


    I'm back from my break... :marumimitchi: See you around. <33
  9. C

    I need someone very experienced

    Oh man! I wish I could help you, but I only know the simple stuff when it comes to HTML. Your website looks good so far, though!
  10. C

    What's your favorite web browser?

    Firefox all the way. :)
  11. C


    OMG, how the heck do you beat Wigglytuff on PMD 2? He's really tuff! x3
  12. C

    the twilight saga

    They're ok. The writing seems rushed and the characters are poorly made...but overall, I guess I could say it's a GOOD book. Just not GREAT.
  13. C

    Cherry Blossom Trees

    I love them. They are so pretty! x3 (DUH!)
  14. C

    Are you emo?

    I don't believe in emo. It's just some poser-style. =/
  15. C


    Yeah? Watch how feminine my Umbreon is when it kicks your Natu's butt! Jeez dude, don't be sexist. I like Arcues over Mew, and Mew over you. :) In other terms, I'm totally with you on the intelligent! I LURV INTELLIGENT THINGS!! xD ~~!! <33
  16. C


    I've had it for a year this month. X_X
  17. C

    Mew or Arceus

    I'll say Mew, but a Flame Plate holding, Shiny Arcues that's EV trained kicks grASS - literally. xD i mean, in "HOLY ARCUES" we trust. Arcues is the god of all Pokemon anyway, isn't it? xDD So I changed my mind...ARCUES! <3 EDIT: man, that post made me sound like a n00b. 0.0 EDIT EDIT: I...
  18. C

    I'm Back!

    Oh hai, I totally remember you! =D
  19. C

    Is this safe...

    I've used shampoo on my hamsters before. I've used Small Animal Shampoo before like your thinking about using, and Baby Human Shampoo too. As long as you don't get it in any sensitive parts like in the eyes or nose, it should be fine. You need to make sure there is no soap left though, it might...
  20. C

    Do you have a friend/s

    Yeah, I now! People like that tend to be tops on my list of who to ignore. xD