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  1. M


    ;) :D Where do you get item #32 in v3 tamatown???!!! :( :( :) :) Tamagotchi town some of
  2. M

    Where's the cheapest Tama V4 vendor in NYC?

    In some wal-marts they are $15.
  3. M

    V4 Robber

    The robber came to me 1,000,000 times. :lol: :lol: :itchigotchi: :lol:
  4. M

    Has your tama ever beeped at school?

    It has happend to me too.We were doing english class and my tamagotchi beeped my teacher noiced it and I got caught. (I left the sound off and my tama was paused.) :lol: :wako: :lol: :Itchigotchi: :lol:
  5. M

    Has your tama ever beeped at school?

    It has happend to me too.We were doing english class and my tamagotchi beeped my teacher noiced it and I got caught. (I left the sound off and my tama was paused.) :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. M

    Tamagotchi love

    I just want 2 know. :lol: :lol: :blink: :blink: :D :D :D :lol: :lol: B)
  7. M


    Tama babies!!!!!!!!!!!!! my tama had a baby!!!!! Gender:girl Generation:2nd Style:246 Intelligence:55 kindness:32 Stage:adult Username:Lewis Login password:9732C91-605E1CA :( :huh: :furawatchi: :wub: :D :D B) :) :) :( :( :( :( :angry: :(
  8. M

    My v3!

    I was going to the animal shelter and it was perfectly healthy so I left it in the car when I came back it was dead. (I was only in the animal shelter for 15 minutes.) :( :( :( :huh: :furawatchi: :wub: :( :angry:
  9. M

    V4 UFO!

    Yeah,what ever they all said.
  10. M

    v4 problem

    I got my v4 1week ago and my tama had a job,and the strangest thing happend,I got more important mail & nothing happend.So I went to my tama"s job & it was back to normal. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :furawatchi: :wub: :angry: :( :huh: :(...
  11. M


    Where do you find item 32 on v3 tamagotchi town???????!!!!!!! :( :( :( :P :P :angry: :angry: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :D :D
  12. M

    dead tama

    Tamagotchi's Name: Fred Tamagotchi's Age: 5 Date of Birth: 2/15/07 Date of Passing: 2/25/07 What Generation? 1st Your Comments: Ilovved and I liked him. :ph34r: :o :o :D :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi: :D :D :P B)
  13. M


    :huh: :huh: But there was no battery battery problem,and it sounded like the button A getting pushed and I wasn"t pushing button A and I wasn"t pushing buttons. And all The icons kept lighting up.After that I tried pushing a button(not button A) and it wasn"t responding. :angry: :angry...
  14. M

    Who wants to join the hatch?!

    I will Join. Name:Leon Gender:Boy Generation:1st Stage:Oniontchi (Teens)
  15. M

    v4 login passwords

    I just found a few of passwords on some other tamagotchi websites and here they are. Username:Lewis password:D39D0A9-C02A29D Username:unono password:DBFCDAA-EADFADF Username:Tama password:CDAACDA-BAECDAA
  16. M

    v4 login passwords

    Can somebody give their v4 login passwords I don"t have a v4. :) :D :D :D
  17. M

    V4 Growth Chart project

    Didn"t you forget oniontchi?????!!!!! :furawatchi: ;) :mimitchi: :angry: :angry:
  18. M


    Can"t happen B) B) B) B) :D :P :D :P :o :(
  19. M


  20. M


    my tama kept beeping and wouldn"t stop!!!! :( :angry: :angry: :angry: :) :) :( :( :( :( :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: :huh: