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  1. Band Geek


    F--- YEAH FRESHMEN. Sadly, I don't get my schedule until the... 30th?
  2. Band Geek

    A car you want?

    That's a very pretty car! :DD I like the flower-y things on it. :3
  3. Band Geek

    Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...

    It's called pica, it's a eating disorder. Eating your nails might be just a nervous habit, so don't worry *This is about the disorder, and what I eat, if you are easily disgusted, please don't read...* I have it too. I eat hair*,*dried blood,dead skin,ice and I chew on fabrics. * Please don't...
  4. Band Geek

    Photography Tips & Tricks

    That . Is. So. Cool!!!! Thanks for sharing!(:
  5. Band Geek

    If you could change you username

    ▲Skadi I mean I am still kinda a band geek but not as much as I was... xDD
  6. Band Geek

    You all have personality disorders.

    Paranoid 66% Schizoid 66% Schizotypal 82% Antisocial 50% Borderline 54% Histrionic 70% Narcissistic 42% Avoidant 34% Dependent 70% Obsessive-Compulsive 82%
  7. Band Geek

    The Girls Life Quiz

    1. How old are you? 14. 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope. 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Nope. 4. What grade are you in? 9th. 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? Um, I know how cliche this sounds, but for this guy to like me back. Too bad he lives...
  8. Band Geek

    Photography Tips & Tricks

    Thanks! I was actually planning on making a lookbook, so this is very helpful. :DD
  9. Band Geek

    What are you currently excited about?

    Band camp actually, hahaha. We already learned the first movement yesterday, and on Sunday we're gonna learn the second, and we're gonna learn the third and fourth movement during camp. ♥ Thank god I got all percussion parts. If anyone touches MY bass drum/gong, nasty things are gonna happen...
  10. Band Geek

    A car you want?

    A smart car. I wanna live in the city when I grow up. plus, not many people have it so, it's pretty cool.
  11. Band Geek

    Geekish stuff

    Haha, no. xDD I do that all the time! Not trying to get offtopic, what what's your theme/show this year?
  12. Band Geek

    What's Your...

    I'm beginning to think I'm bisexual. I am strongly attracted to females, and men of course. Editt: Sorry if I am bothering you guys with posting about how I feel... D:
  13. Band Geek

    What did you do today?

    Made mashed potatoes Went on tumblr Listening to music Here
  14. Band Geek

    Geekish stuff

    I read fanfiction... The Outsiders fanfiction... .___.
  15. Band Geek

    What are you currently excited about?

    I start band camp next Sunday, but we leave on Tuesday. I'm kinda excited...
  16. Band Geek


    Well,it's what your body reacts best to. If you get an infection with acrylics, don't use em. xDD I mean, find something you like.(: I like acrylics because they don't infect me and they look really cute. I like pinchers myself. I rarely wear plugs, unless if I feel like it (I used to wear them...
  17. Band Geek

    To Buy List?

    Rainbow pinchers A haircut More tanktops Clothes (shirts mainly) A conch piercing hair ties black nail polish
  18. Band Geek

    Funny moments in life.

    I showed my sister creepypasta.
  19. Band Geek

    If you could change you username

    If You've Got the Patience, Celebrate the Ancients I dunno though. I've been thinking about making a new account, and naming it that.
  20. Band Geek

    What's your bedroom like?

    Light blue walls. My bed is just a matteress, with a tempurpedic thing ontop, and the covers are white with gray lines. My dresser is black, my desk is like lamanite(ugh, spelling...)wood, and my tv stand is black. I have gray curtains, and on the walls are speakers and awards I won for band.