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  1. Band Geek


    Well the point of the different sizes are to 'size up' or stretch the ear.
  2. Band Geek


    I don't understand. You mean the different style of the earrings, or the size?
  3. Band Geek

    If you could bring someone back to life,

    Johnny Cadewat Um if I did I'd probably sh-t bricks. On a serious note, probably my 'Uncle' Richie. I'd ask him why he didn't get help. (He died from drug overdose or something..)
  4. Band Geek


    Left ear: 6ga plug, 14ga straight barbell and a 16ga circular (Yes, this is me. My skin is more yellow-ish due to the lighting..) Right ear: 6ga pincher, and a 14ga barbell. (No, I did/do not wear two different types of gauges in general. I just wanted to show off both~~)
  5. Band Geek


    1st: Concert Band 2nd: Study Skills Computers 3rd: Life Skills Math 1 4th: Freshman Sci A 5th: Lunch 6th: Study Hall 7th: World History 8th: English/LA 9th: Gym/Health
  6. Band Geek

    All about you!

    About Me: Name: Skadi Nickname: Biscotti (my pit instructor said that's how she remembers my name?) Secret Superstar or Superhero Identity: None.. Online Me! Email: rudicat95 (Please, do not email me, unless I actually know you.) Blog: IM: None I game online at:GoPets...
  7. Band Geek

    What Clubs / Activities are you in..

    Marching band Concert band Jazz band (Maybe) But if I change schools as a sophmore I'll have to give up concert band.. :(
  8. Band Geek

    Worst Gift Ever

    I know how un-band-geek-ish this is of me, but tuba earrings. I mean they're very cute, but my holes are stretched out.
  9. Band Geek


    ATM: Left: Maroon six gauge pincher (Pics later?) White straight 14 gauge barbell 16ga circular Right: Maroon six gauge pincher Metal straight 14 ga barbell
  10. Band Geek

    What Song/s Describe Your Life atm?

    A song called 'The Upper Peninsula'. In strange ideas In stranger times I've no idea What's right sometimes I lost my mind I lost my life I lost my job I lost my wife It shows that everyone is confused about these times, the world is just complicated and we don't know whats right...
  11. Band Geek


    First off, not trying to be rude, but it's not an illness, it's a developemental disorder. Of course people will still be your friends! I have tons, and I have ADD. So basically, what do you need help with? (You can PM me if you like.) But remember, TT isn't a subsitute for a doctor. If you...
  12. Band Geek

    Factfile Of Yourself~

    Name: Skadi Date Of Birth: December 11th Age: 14 Location: NJ Height: 5'0 Weight: Not sure Shoe size: Size 6 1/2 Hair color: Dirty blonde (it's sooo ugh looking) Eye color: Green (Right) Blue-ish gray (Left) Skin tone: Kinda tan? Favourite band/singer: SUFJANSTEVENSSUFJANSTEVENSSS...
  13. Band Geek

    I hate everything about school.

    This. I tell people this all the time...
  14. Band Geek

    What's your favorite movie?

    The Outsiders (itt: Me being the only one liking it).
  15. Band Geek

    ...Birthday Issues

    Unisex means both genders. XD Buy an ipod?
  16. Band Geek

    ...Birthday Issues

    How did you get my picture Sky? brb, crying.
  17. Band Geek

    I hate everything about school.

  18. Band Geek

    There's also the Sims 2!

    Sims 2: Cooler stuff Pets Apartments The body shop College Body piercings!!! MUCH more clothes Sims 3: Better quality Tattoos (although the designs reallysuck :PP) The option to customize clothes,hair,eyes,etc,. More modern looking furniture The sims 3 exchange
  19. Band Geek


    When I was little I liked it. Now? Kinda, not really. I'm more into playing it than listening.
  20. Band Geek

    Going with someone smarter than me..

    This is the first thing I saw. No freaking joke. (Sorry, I just came back from band camp today..) ANYWAY.... Intellegence shouldn't matter... He loves you for you, not for your brain.