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  1. Band Geek

    Which one you do really want for Christmas this year?

    These in 2ga Tropical Pineapple Oversized Tee Geo New York Tee London Floral Oversized Dolman Love Birds Tank You Are Beautiful to Me Tee Flannel Shirt - Blue Flannel Shirt - Red Plaid Flannel Top - Aqua Plaid L Women's L/S Raglan- University of Michigan Ray-Ban Women's glasses RX5201...
  2. Band Geek

    The Girls Life Quiz

    1. How old are you? Fourteen. 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No. 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No. 4. What grade are you in? Ninth. 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? To not particpate in this stupid diet I have to go on 6. Do you have any pets? Yes...
  3. Band Geek


    Y U NO START NOW?! No, really. Wal-Mart sells circular barbells in 18-...8ga? But start with a 18ga, and each month, go up a size. But when you reach 6ga, wait two months. MY BLOW OUT IS KINDA GOING AWAY GUYS OH YEAHHHH. (I cannot wait to stretch to a 4ga.) What's your goal size?? (You may...
  4. Band Geek


    They (6 ga earrings) do shrink a little if you take them out. XD But it's not permanent.
  5. Band Geek

    Favorite fan pairing

    Two-Bit and Darry.
  6. Band Geek

    Factfile Of Yourself~

    Name: Skadi Date Of Birth: 12/11 Age: 14 Location: NJ Height: 5'0" Weight: too much Shoe size: 61/2 or 7 Hair color: Blonde~ Eye color: Left: Green Right: Gray, hazel or brown... Skin tone: Lightly tanned. Favourite band/singer: SUFJAN STEVENS Favourite animal: Dolphin Favourite...
  7. Band Geek


    That sucks. Sorry. D: My mom is allowing me to stretch to about a 00ga but I can't go any farther until I know what job I want.. (I wanna be a criminal psychologist...) and I'm in college with a job. Anyway, my goal size is two inches. :)
  8. Band Geek


    I had my left ear stretched to a 4ga, but I had to downsize because I got a blowout/infection. :( But it's healing!!! I wanna make a stretching journal on here. xD What do you guys think? It could also be like faq thing?
  9. Band Geek

    What are you listening to now?

    Casimir Pulaski Day - Sufjan Stevens. It's a really sad [true] song about his friend who died from bone cancer.... But the way he sings about God in this song is absolutely beautiful.
  10. Band Geek

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    IS THAT T-ELOS AS YOUR AVATAR?! (Xenosaga, ftw?) Owl City (surprisely, but luckily it's not that common.) Making outfits on polyvore (my username is skadi :DD) Lady Gaga (FTW!!) Criminal Psychology
  11. Band Geek

    Silly Bandz

    Hm, I've never heard of that on tumblr... :D
  12. Band Geek

    Silly Bandz

    Silly bands are made of silicone (more like silicone rubber, think of a rubber band) condoms are made of latex.. Plus, if they were made from USED condoms, wouldn't they be off the market already? <_<
  13. Band Geek

    To Buy List?

    I just wanna get better with tempos. xD But they DO seem fun!
  14. Band Geek

    Fictional character crushes.

  15. Band Geek

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    The Outsiders fanfiction. FOREVER ALONE.
  16. Band Geek

    Oh, It is 82 days till Christmas.

    - Sufjan Steven's 'Age of Adz' (I might get it early since I asked for it early.) - Last year's USSBA nationals dvd (Too bad they're like $39... :P ) - This year's? ^ - More clothes - More plugs (earskins fersure..)
  17. Band Geek

    To Buy List?

    A metronome. :s
  18. Band Geek

    Fictional character crushes.

    I think Patrick Swayze did an awesome job playing him. :3 But oddly, I never knew Johnny was tan-skinned.... I honestly thought he was white with blond hair... o.o
  19. Band Geek

    To Buy List?

    These in 4ga black
  20. Band Geek

    Fictional character crushes.

    Yayayayayyyy<3 What about Dallas? Darry? :DD Lexi-Gotchi: It's ok, I used to have a crush on that boy... William? Until he was like possesed and his voice was all ew. EDIT: DID YOU KNOW THAT THE HOUSE THAT THE CURTIS BROTHER'S LIVED IN IS FOR SALE?!