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  1. Band Geek

    The Ramen Topic

    I love the shrimp and lime flavor, but I can't really eat it due to health problems. :\
  2. Band Geek

    Your Opinion on Aliens

    Yes, but not like the stereotypical big headed green skinned big eyed aliens. I read something like they're microorganisms or something, look up "Hawking's aliens"
  3. Band Geek

    iPod Battery

    I don't really understand what you're asking but.. -Put the brightness setting down low -Use the 'energy saver' -Don't play games/apps/ -If listening to your music, don't adjust it alot.
  4. Band Geek

    What Is Your Religion?

    I don't know. I believe in Science, but I don't believe in Scientology or Raelism...
  5. Band Geek

    Do you plan to have kids someday?

    No. I want my tubes tied, or to get a hysteorectomy (complete removal of the uterus and ovaries) Pregnancy is beautiful for other people that can have kids.. Just not me! The process of pregnancy scares me. I have a possibly hereditary eye disease that can make you go blind if left...
  6. Band Geek

    Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...

    [Trigger warning**: self harm] I have glaucoma, OCD, ADD and I'm at risk for Type 2 Diabetes, and when I get fustrated I bite myself. And I have dermotillomania. :c And I'm pretty darn sure I have GID (Gender Identity Disorder) ** A trigger warning is something you would put before a post...
  7. Band Geek


    Lol why did you let it go back? And right now... My lobes are at 0ga, I kinda wanna tape them up to 00ga.. (goal is 4") My second holes are someplace between 2ga and 0ga. I think 1ga (goal is 1/2 of an inch) My third hole is still at 6ga. ;_; (goal is 00 or smaller)
  8. Band Geek


    Ahaha, thank you. :3 5mm is about 6ga, if I'm correct, and you should start with 1mm/14ga. Plus when stretching from sizes like 8 to 6,and 2 to 0 you should use PTFE tape (I found some at K-Mart for like less than five bucks, adn I'm sure you could find some at Lowe's or whatnot) because...
  9. Band Geek


    I'm sorry if I am 'bumping' but... I got new pinchers o; Lobes: 0ga 2nds: 2ga 3rd: 6ga And sorry for the big picture and the watermark, I'm just paranoid someone will steal my pictures... ._.
  10. Band Geek

    What's Your...

    I'm a homosexual transman.
  11. Band Geek

    Real First Name?

    My true/first/not preferred name is Skadi.
  12. Band Geek

    Which is more improtant? Money or Love?

    Money. Because you can get by without friends (platonic love), and love can't pay the bills.
  13. Band Geek

    Factfile Of Yourself~

    Name: Andrew/Skadi (Andrew is my preferred name) Date Of Birth: Dec. 11th Age: 15 Location: USA Height: 5'0 Weight: A lot. Shoe size: 5/6 1/2 Hair color: Blonde Eye color: Grey(l) hazel,brown or green ® Skin tone: Pinkish pale Favourite band/singer: My Awesome Mixtape or Crystal...
  14. Band Geek


    I personally use either vitamin E or vaseline cream (not the jelly). I would prefer vitamin e because not only does it moisturize, it can thicken up your lobes. -0ga lobes -4ga second holes -6ga third hole
  15. Band Geek


    Lobes : 1ga (I'm asumming(sp?).. I'm using the taping method with pinchers...)\ Second holes : 2ga (with 4ga plugs) Third : 8ga
  16. Band Geek

    Heyy Everyone!

    I try not to curse, because it's so not manly (imo)!
  17. Band Geek


    First holes : 2ga tunnels ( I might go to the mall to get some earskins o: ) Second holes : 4ga plugs (need new ones... my pink ones are so ugh..) Third : 8ga plug (see above :\) Edit: my seconds holes are now at 2ga!!!! :)
  18. Band Geek

    Anything Animal Crossing!

    I have Wart Jr in my CF town.... Yeah.... But yeah, I have all three games~
  19. Band Geek

    Factfile Of Yourself~

    Name: Skadi Date Of Birth: Dec. 11th Age: 15 Location: NJ Height: 5'0 Weight: Atleast 150lbs Shoe size: 6 1/2 Hair color: Blonde Eye color: Green Skin tone: Pinkish pale Favourite band/singer: Crystal Castles/ Sufjan Stevens Favourite animal: Dolphin Favourite book: A Good Man Is...
  20. Band Geek


    Yup~ Sadly, you can't see them that well from far away... :S I got them from Hot Topic.