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  1. Band Geek

    Fun Muisc Quiz Thingy!

    What do you like in a guy/girl?: Casimir Pulaski Day How do you feel today?: House Fire What is your life's purpose?: Superstar (HAHAHA GOOD LUCK WITH THAT LOLALLCAPS...) What Do your friends think of you?: Brush Off What Do you think of your parents?: Walk In The Park (Um... Doesn't...
  2. Band Geek

    Hardest video game enemy you ever fought.

    I was fighting Cubia in Hach Mutation (I haven't played the game in like two years, mind you) and I think I had Mistral and Blackrose (Or Elk..? What was I thinking?) on my team. Anyway, there's two (maybe more?) things I hated about this boss; 1. Wavemasters (like Elk, Wiseman and Mistral) are...
  3. Band Geek

    What did you do today?

    Stayed up til 5 o' clock in the morning, got yelled at by my dad, went to sleep, finally. Then ate food and played sims.
  4. Band Geek

    Social Networking Sites

    Tumblr. INB4: LOL SKADI YOU SILLY HIPSTER Facebook is starting to get boring....
  5. Band Geek


    This. It should be cleaned with a sea salt solution. I used saline solution (or contact solution) for my stretched piercings (I didn'twanna say gauges..). and it kinda dried it out and made it harder to stretch. But, if you use too much salt, it can dry it out and stuff. And neosporin should...
  6. Band Geek

    You all have personality disorders.

    Paranoid 74% Schizoid 78% Schizotypal 62% Antisocial 34% Borderline 78% Histrionic 62% Narcissistic 38% Avoidant 42% Dependent 78% Obsessive-Compulsive 66% What is this I don't even....
  7. Band Geek

    To Buy List?

    A Holga camera More clothes (Mainly sweatpants and tank tops, since I have band camp in 21 more days....) A conch piercing 6ga earrings These would be v nice.
  8. Band Geek

    The Girls Life Quiz

    1. How old are you? 14 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? Nope 4. What grade are you in? Going into 9th 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be?A better memory 6. Do you have any pets? Yup 7. If the answer to #6 is 'Yes'...
  9. Band Geek

    What is your current status?

    Facebook: [nothing] Tumblr: My Gay Best Friend: i’ve found a new love for Miranda Cosgrove. No hetero. Me (also gay): You’re such a bad homo… (It's a joke, by the way. I am definitely not homophobic.) Twitter: If I was crying In the van, with my friend It was for freedom From myself...
  10. Band Geek

    Stuff you are obsessed with

    Tumblr Music Fanfiction (INB4: Nerd)
  11. Band Geek

    Celebrity Crushes

    Ralph Macchio and Matt Dillon (When they were young, like in the movie 'The Outsiders').
  12. Band Geek

    What are you listening to now?

    Come On! Feel The Illinoise!
  13. Band Geek

    Do you wear makeup?

    I use cover-up, and I try to use as less as I can, so my face doesn't look orange or 'over-powdery' or greasy. (I use powder cover-up) Plus, since it's the summer, I'm trying to use less make-up so I don't waste it. I never wear mascara or eyeliner but sometimes I'll wear purple eyeshadow.
  14. Band Geek

    4th of July

    My town did that too, but my town's too religious to have a parade on a Sunday, so I had it on a Monday. xP Anyway, yesterday I had a parade. It was hot. :(
  15. Band Geek

    Funny Moments at School

    Jamie put on Mr.DiTizio's suitcoat, and it fit perfectly. xD
  16. Band Geek

    What's Your...

    That's a cute story.(: Oh yeah, and thanks for the last part, about not labeling yourself too fast.
  17. Band Geek

    What are your best and worst qualities?

    Best: I guess I'm pretty nice, and I'm good at playing instruments. I am also smart, Worst: I'm really quiet, but then again, someone pointed out that that was a good thing (someone in pit said it was good that I was quiet because I always listen and never talk back). I can be REALLY...
  18. Band Geek

    What did you do today?

    I just woke up like 10 mins ago. Later I will: Eat breakfast I dunno what else.