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  1. T

    Is it just me, or is this just plain weird?

    I saw the purple floor thing. Well, :angry: had 6 evenlopes in his hands and only put 3 in the post thing. :D
  2. T

    Is it just me, or is this just plain weird?

    Leaftchi? I though it was mimitchi, mametchi and memetchi.
  3. T


    Yes, they do. Think, what if someone had the same username as you and it was their first time on tamagotchi town? If the passport didn't show up because someone already typed the username they had, then the person wouldn't get the passport and still would be wondering what the first souvenir is...
  4. T

    Is it just me, or is this just plain weird?

    hey, thats what I was gonna say! Oh well.
  5. T

    Is it just me, or is this just plain weird?

    If they fainted, then how come memetchi threw the present on the table? If the 3 tamas fainted, then memetchi wouldn't have put the present on the table. :P :P :P :P
  6. T

    Which is your favourite part of Tamatown?

    I like the school. It has a game that I LOVE. :P :P
  7. T

    Prizes from tamatown

    You can't use them. All you can do is look at them.
  8. T

    Rip Off or Worth It?

    I don't even care because I don't even know what you are talking about! :P :P :P :P :P
  9. T

    A guide to Entama. and e-tamago

    what game center? At e-tamago, or tamatown?
  10. T

    A guide to Entama. and e-tamago

    The third one doesn't make sense :D
  11. T

    Golden Tamagotchi/ Tamatown

    I think the person means these baches.
  12. T


    E-tamago is weird. Once you play a game, when you finish it, well you get out of e-tamago so you need to start all over again.
  13. T

    The thaerter movies

    The movies are here! All tree of them! :nazotchi: ^0^
  14. T

    Golden Tamagotchi

    It said "COMING SOON" I think thats why. I'm not sure ether, but just like what Ryan Maguire said, patience is a virtue. :nazotchi:
  15. T


    What password?
  16. T

    Tamatown hall

    Bandai will add more stuff? I didn't know that! :P :nazotchi:
  17. T

    Do I have a real one or not?

    I don't know. the same thing with my 2 friends
  18. T

    Do I have a real one or not?

    hey look, I have connection under mine but 2 of my friends don't have connection under it but it was a real one. So yours must be a real one too. To prove it, try to get passwords at Tamagotchi Town.