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  1. N

    Rap Or Rock?

    I like both. xD Lately I've been listening almost exclusively to rap, though. Well, rap and Prince...
  2. N

    Sad songs

    Lersee: Late Night by Syd Barrett always makes me cry. As does, like every song by John Lennon. Also I Cry (Night After Night) by The Egyptian Lover. He sounds so sincerely sad. I Wish I Was Your Mother by Mott the Hoople, Changes by Black Sabbath, Her Eyes Are a Blue Million Miles by...
  3. N

    What are you listening to now?

    Posse On Broadway - Sir Mix-a-lot xD
  4. N


    Dude I totally remember this topic when it was brand new. Weird. But, yeah I got my period in sixth grade when I was twelve. It sucked because I've always had trouble growing up and I was already having a really bad year... and then my uterus starts bleeding. Woohoo. And I'm also too much of a...
  5. N

    Shaving/Other Hair Removal.

    I don't shave. Actually, I shave my armpits, but that's only cuz I'm not a fan of armpit hair on males or females. And, like, deodorant crystals get caught on the hair and it's... not pleasant. As for my legs and shizzle, it's kind of a...
  6. N


    My school is overrun with stoners. I can understand why too, I live in a small town where there is absolutely NOTHING to do for teenagers (or any age group, for that matter.) However, I've never done drugs or anything like that. Some of my friends have smoked pot, but I really never feel...
  7. N

    Do You Plan To Have Kids Someday?

    In my opinion, there are way too many friggen kids out there. Although, I might consider having ONE if I didn't have to grow it in my uterus... Ugh.
  8. N


    Haha, I still do love Marc Bolan. Though now I'm going through a Prince phase, obviously. *Points to Prince avatar* Thanks everyone for welcoming me and stuffz :)
  9. N


    I rarely wear makeup. When I do it's to look weird and theatrical, I use anything bright and colourful. I paint my nails often, too, I dunno if that counts. Sometimes I draw a beauty mark on myself. I's so weird. xD
  10. N

    What's currently on your mind?

    I keep thinking about all the ladies at Joann Fabrics who wear mom jeans and pastel coloured polo shirts. It depresses me.
  11. N

    What's a random fact about you?

    Fact: I often wish I was a cat. The thought of sleeping and staring out the window all day is awfully appealing...
  12. N

    What is your handwriting like?

    My handwriting is ridiculous. Only the people who know me well enough to have gotten used to my handwriting can even decipher it. To everyone else it's like "what are these foreign runes?" I also write extremely fast, which is probably why my handwriting is so bad. Whateva. :)
  13. N

    What do YOU do all day?

    I alternate between reading, playing video games, screwing around online, drawing, exercising, swimming, and chasing the cats. I hang out with my friends, too. Wow, that seems so much more productive written out like that then it does when I'm actually doing it. o_o
  14. N

    Things you wouldn't tell people?

    This topic made me realize how open I am with my friends. :) They know about all my weird social anxieties, and of course I can't keep my mouth shut when I'm on my period... That's when I go on my most outrageous feminist tangents. I think the only stuff I wouldn't tell them is just stuff...
  15. N

    Socially Unexceptable?

    It's also socially unacceptable to be overweight and unattractive and all sorts of other stuff that's uncontrollable. Society's just kind of a drag If you dig something, who cares what society has to say about it? That's what I thinks, anyway.
  16. N

    Do Tamas die?

    I prefer to think that they die. It really makes more sense and the whole "they just go back to their planet" thing sounds like some dumb way of sugar-coating the facts of life so that parents don't have to communicate with their children. Plus, I don't like the idea of raising these little...
  17. N

    Tamagotchi - are they educational?

    I don't see why everything HAS to be educational. What ever happened to fun for fun's sake. It seems like every thing's gotta have some kind of educational undertones, which I think is annoying and oppressive. I prefer things that are mindlessly entertaining, just so I can stick it to the...
  18. N

    The old days?

    Dude, I was in 7th grade when the V1s came out. I remember I got mine at Target on a Saturday night. It was the pink one with purple buttons and orange stars, I still have it. I named it Tambura and it was a kuchipatchi. Good times hahaha. I also had a generation 1 Tamagotchi back in the late...
  19. N


    Hey, I's Nazzpuller. I used to come here a few years ago under the name Electric Kasuki or something like that. I dunno if anyone remembers me, I wasn't very vocal. I pretty much just said bizarre things now and then, but anyway: HELLO! I just got into another of my major tamagotchi phases...