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  1. N

    Pants, shorts, skirts, or skorts.

    Mostly I wear pants... I used to hate shorts, but I actually found some nice ones last summer. Then I lost 20 lbs, so they no longer fit me. Woops. I like skirts, too but I never get around to buying them. So I guess pants. xD
  2. N

    Making up your own words.

    My mom and I come up with a lot of words for our cat's anatomy. Their rumps are "buttskers," back feet are "footsors..." I also use "nugget" as an insult. o_o It's quite original. Mostly I don't make up words so much as purposely mispronounce them for a comedic effect.
  3. N

    What are you listening to now?

    Solid Gold - Eagles of Death Metal
  4. N

    Sex Before Marriage

    I like to test drive the car before I buy it. bwahaha ^_^ I'm probably not going to get married, anyway...
  5. N

    Internet dating

    No. I'd feel like such a creepo. o__O Plus, I've seen the people on those dating websites... they definitely do not look like they do in the commercials, that's fo sho.
  6. N

    Do you work hard on your avvies/signatures?

    Avvie: Not really, I just cropped and resized a picture of Prince. Siggie: No, xD I just made everything grey and put some Afrika Bambaataa lyrics in there... Oh well, I think it's purdy.
  7. N

    What country do you live in

    I lives in the United States... OF AMERICA. ^I wish we had a cool one word name like nearly everyone else. It's not fair.
  8. N

    What Grade Were You In?

    The beginning of 8th grade. I think it was September of 2005...? Yuh, I'm going into 12th grade now. Weird.
  9. N

    How do you keep cool in the hot Summer?

    I put the fan on and lay around or get in the pool. xD Actually, this summer has been pretty cool. Most of June felt like October, which I didn't mind at all. I don't do well with heat and humidity, especially since it curls my hair regardless of how much anti-humidity product I use. o_o...
  10. N

    How many tamas have you got?

    I has eleven. 1 P1 1 Anglegotch 2 V1s 3 V2s 2 V3s 1 V4.5 1 Tamagotchi Mini Yesiree
  11. N

    How old are you?

    I'm 17... and a perpetual child. Shyeahwuteva. :(
  12. N

    What Are You Playing Now?

    -The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask -Animal Crossing City Folk AND Wild World... I pretty much abandoned my gamecube town. bleh. xD -Super Mario World (I'm taking turns with my mommy. I'm Luigi because he friggen rules in his purple pants :( )
  13. N

    Top 25 Most Played

    Mine is definitely going to be a bizarre assortment of music... :( 1. Unreal - The Egyptian Lover 2. Freak-a-Holic - The Egyptian Lover 3. My Love is Like a Tire Iron - Ted Nugent 4. Why You Wanna Get Funky... - Del Tha Funkee Homosapien 5. Bomber - Motörhead 6. I'm a Ho - Whodini 7...
  14. N

    What's your name? What about nicknames?

    My real name's Callan but I go by my nick name Calli which I tend to spell differently on different occasions. Lately I've been in a single "I" mood. My other nick names are ****a, which I guess derived from the fact that when I was a baby, my parents referred to me as "the baby" and somehow it...
  15. N

    Do You Plan To Have Kids Someday?

    I'm actually a fan of outlandish names, as long as they're heartfelt and not totally embarrassing. But, that goes for all names, really. There are a ton of really disgusting, stupid "traditional" names... I'd definitely rather be named Mazarati or Pixie as opposed Deborah or Betty. Ugh. I'd...
  16. N

    New Shuffle Survey!

    How does the world see me? Funky Cold Medina - Tone Loc (...I'm not sure what that means...) Will I have a happy life? To Hell With Poverty - Gang of Four What do people really think of me? Sweet Leaf - Black Sabbath Do people secretly lust after me? Erotic City - Prince & The...
  17. N

    Fun Muisc Quiz Thingy!

    What do you like in a guy/girl?: When Gods Collide - Thor How do you feel today?: Turn Up the Night - Black Sabbath What is your life's purpose?: Voodoo Child (Slight Return) - The Jimi Hendrix Experience What Do your friends think of you?: Holy Holy - David Bowie What Do you think of...
  18. N


    Yeah, that's how I've gotten by drug free. I'm also lucky enough to have parents who are cool and I have a good relationship with them and stuff. The only other explanation I have for all the drug-doing is a lack of knowledge. Just like with the whole abstinence program (incidentally our school...
  19. N


    I have a cork board covered in stuff I cut out from magazines, for example a clipping of something that says "NUGGET." It's pretty awesome. :angry:
  20. N

    What song are you currently obsessed over?

    Jigglin' by the Ying Yang Twins. xD Crunk is pretty much... amazing.