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  1. N

    What's your favorite sense?

    Well, yeah I guess I could get a hearing aid or just feel the vibrations with my hands, but that's no fun.
  2. N

    When does morning start?

    I think of the morning as anything with an AM tagged at the end, so for me it starts at 12:00 AM, midnight (which means that the term midnight is actually nonsensical :( ) and ends at 12:00 PM, noon. The sun rises at different times, but midnight is at the same time everyday. When the sun...
  3. N

    What are you doing right now?

    Watching N.W.A. videos. xD I'm so bad.
  4. N

    What's your favorite sense?

    That's a hard one, but I think hearing. Music is the most important thing to me, I dunno what I would do without sound.
  5. N

    What are you listening to now?

    Cadillac - T. Rex
  6. N

    What Did You Buy Recently?

    Some heart shaped sunglasses, a Tamagotchi V6, and a bottle of water. No joke.
  7. N

    Would you ever eat a dog?

    I would if it was delicious. I'm a picky eater, especially when it comes to meat.
  8. N

    What's Your...

    I would say that I'm heterosexual. I've only really dug on boys and I rather dislike girls in general. They've always been rather mean to me... But, there was this thing on Oprah with these, like, 50 year old supposedly heterosexual women who fall in love with another woman, so I guess you...
  9. N

    Describe your parents!

    MOM: She's a lot like me in how neurotic she is. She's pretty much the undisputed boss of the house. She can be easily angered, especially by people who drive like "idiots." She often loudly displays her political views. She's quite spiritual, she believes in ghosts, she loves putting hats on...
  10. N

    What's The Reason?

    Username: Nazzpuller is a misheard lyric from Jerkin' Crocus by Mott The Hoople. It's actually 'NADS puller. xD Woopsie. But, yeah I think Nazzpuller sounds cooler anyway. Oh and the "bam" is just because I like to use violent sound effects for emphasis. Avatar: It's a picture of Prince from...
  11. N

    What are you listening to now?

    Weird, I was just listening to A.D.I.D.A.S by Killer Mike. Two very different songs about the same thing. xD But NOW I am listening to Sincerity by Iggy Pop.
  12. N

    Glasses or Contacts?

    I look dumb in glasses, so I wear contacts. My vision was pretty good until, like, the end of 5th grade and then all of a sudden I was nearsighted. Even after I got glasses I could survive without them, I just carried them around and used them only to read things several feet away. It wasn't...
  13. N

    Mosquito bites O.O

    God, I hate mosquitoes. Seriously, if I but had the means, I would devote my life to mosquito genocide. I can't go outside for five seconds without getting half eaten by those custards. :( My mom told me about this lotion, Avon "Skin So Soft" that's supposed to repel mosquitoes. I haven't...
  14. N

    Mac or PC?

    I currently has a PC, but I'mma need to get a Mac before I go to art school... Snap. :(
  15. N

    What was the last thing you googled?

    Barry Gibb. xD
  16. N

    Do You...

    I had one when I was 8 in which I wrote weird unintelligible passages in... I actually found it, recently, and in one entry I had written the following: "Today at school we sang these old patriotic songs. It was so funny because there was this one song about this girl and she pulled our a...
  17. N

    Sex Before Marriage

    Just cuz you're not married doesn't mean you're doomed to be lonely and depressed for the rest of your life. You could just live with someone or date or what evz. I personally would rather not bind myself to someone for the rest of my life because I know that people change day by day. Aside...
  18. N

    Commercials you absolutely HATE.

    Oh god, that guy... I wanna punch him in the friggen face. But, the worst are those pedegg or what ever commercials where they rub the dead skin off their feet and then dump it in a trashcan. Gah it's disgusting. ;)
  19. N


    I believe that god is the entire universal consciousness, not just one or many entities. I think about god the same way I think about earth and the universe and myself and trees and the sun, really. Of course, that outlook might change depending on what phase my intelligence and consciousness...
  20. N

    What irratates you?

    I kind of have a chip on my shoulder, so a lot of things irritate me. Off the top of my head, though: -Children and their stupid parents that allow their kids to be screaming monsters. I didn't act like that when I was little because my parents are not morons. -Cashiers who comment on what...