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  1. I

    Enter how many neopoints you have!

    Yay for dedication to Neo. I have way beyond 100,000 NP but I'm nervous to post the amount...
  2. I

    wat your fave neopet?

    Xweetoks rock my socks.
  3. I

    Does anybody like nintendogs?

    Yes, I love 'em. I own the "Best Friends" edition that came with the special Teal Nintendo DS.
  4. I

    Noooo! ANNA!

    Tamagotchi's Name: Anna Tamagotchi's Age: 9 Date of Birth: (I forgot) Date of Passing: (Forgot that too) What Generation? 1st Your Comments: I'll miss ya, Anna. I will take good care of Fiona (her daughter). ;)
  5. I

    Visit TAMATALK?

    I'd say 2 to 3.
  6. I


    Show us ASAP.
  7. I

    do you like pie

    Maybe....>_> (I said no)
  8. I

    Tamagotchi Corner Shop

    Same here
  9. I

    has spears gone bonkers?

    I wouldn't say she's nuts, but she is going throught alot of stress, and the paparazzi isn't helping much.
  10. I

    Does anybody have ghosts in ur house?

    My house was made in the 1970s, and my family is the 3rd family to live there, so I doubt it. Weird things happened though, such as doors randomly opening themselves.
  11. I

    did anyone get the robber on a v.4

    He only came 2 times and he only stole 100GP each time.
  12. I

    Keep your Tama's away from the principal's drawer!

    When I was in 4th/5th grade in elementary school, my teacher let me have it (a V2) in class as long as they where muted and they didn't distract me or anybody else. When I played with them at lunch/recess the monitors really cared less. But my principal did care, so he took them away if he saw...
  13. I

    I need help with 2 things

    Thanks. I never had issues with the D's and 0's.
  14. I

    I need help with 2 things

    1). OK, I have no issues whatsoever with logging in, but logging out is an issue. I know how to find the 'Logout' button on the site, and how to put it in the V4, it still denies it. 2). On the V4, how do you do singing with Ms. Frill? My tama's in pre-school.
  15. I

    School and C-button weirdness

    I heard after a few days you get a chance for a new job. Oh and the C button thing's a nice little bonus from Bandai. :D
  16. I

    How many Furbys?

    Wow you must have really hated him/her. :) I used to own 3 McDonald's furbies and a '98 female named Rosey, but they all got tossed in the trash.
  17. I

    My scary Furby story

    Um, no they arent't. That's pretty mean to people who like them. I owned a '98 Furby myself, but it never talked when I slept...
  18. I

    HOW DO I WAKE MY TAMAGOTCHI UP wakes up by itself, unless you switch the time ahead...
  19. I

    Do you think that pixel chixs are for girls only?

    YESTHANKYOU. If you're a boy and you like them, then golly. My only advice is that just don't be seen with one. :)
  20. I

    When do i get the Air Plain Tickets?

    That's enough points for a ticket. They generally cost around 2000-500 GP.