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  1. B

    Tamago hatchery!

    But how should I believe you? Memetchi <3 should be the one saying you're in charge now. No offense, I just don't think that you are being honest.
  2. B

    Touch Screen Tama

    Yeah, JiDan is horrible. But they do have touch-screen Tamas. The Angelgotchi is one, so is Ocean. I don't know them all.
  3. B

    Tama-Go Log

    Well, I did a little fast-forwarding and, anyways, got to the Gotchi King's castle. It takes approximately 52 seconds to scroll down to the castle, play the game (500G), and watch your Tama do that happy emote thing. It takes about 66 seconds just to complete the apple game, and you only get...
  4. B

    Tama-Go Log

    Well, first I'd like to thank everyone for getting this log to 520 views! Yeah! Well, onto the next subject, people have been telling me that I need to add a little skit about my Tamagotchis in my log. I'm thinking to myself, I'm doing just fine, I don't need some #%$-^#%$ skits ruin my log...
  5. B

    What did you do today?

    Woke up. Watched my other peacock hatch. Cared for my tamagotchis. Went to my mom's school. Got impressions at the ortho for my retainer. Fed my carnivorous plants. Read several care books. Skyped my friends. Cared for my button quails. Set up a cage for my...
  6. B

    American Tamagotchi

    Famitama is the Japan name. It's Familitchi here. Also, V5.5 is only in Japan. I'm not sure about this, but I think generation 1 is V1 and P1 is different. Tamagotchi Mini was available in America.
  7. B

    Tama-Go Log

    8:03 I just arrived from dinner to see that my Chamametchi was asleep. She has 1 empty bowl, so I expect that by the time I wake up, she'll only have 2 bowls left. Eh, it's ok. I think that getting a good just a matter of hunger and happiness. Speaking of happiness, I just need...
  8. B

    Just bought a TMGC+C

    Congratulations! I was considering buying both, but I knew someone out there would want it. I'm glad it's someone from here. Maido39-osaka is an amazing seller. She packaged everything perfectly and gave me a free 'Gotchi figure! (and some Japanese green tea bags, but I think that was to cushion...
  9. B

    Is a Ringotchi a good character?

    I'm starting to question if characters have any relation to any type of care at all.
  10. B

    Is a Ringotchi a good character?

    Longer Answer: According to most charts, Ringotchi is an OK-Horrible character, never Good or Perfect. Many people are debating whether the amount of care misses has the largest effect on evolution. I got a Chamametchi rather than an Ichigotchi and got over 7 care misses on my +C.
  11. B

    Tama-Go Log

    My tama evolved! It evolved into Chamametchi, but I had over 7 care misses >_>. Well, I always kept it healthy, happy, and never hungry. So...MYTHBUSTING!!!
  12. B

    Tama-Go Log

    Trying to get to 500 views today! Everyone please read. Tell your friends, tell them to tell their friends, tell your enemies, tell your enemies' parents, tell anyone who goes on Tamatalk to go to BurntSnow's log! Anyways, I think I'm a really bad parent for my Tamas. For now, my Mametchi is...
  13. B

    Tamago hatchery!

    You can't just take position of someone else's thread. I want to see from their words that you are in charge. Also, didn't you try to copy the original poster with an adopt-an-egg topic just like this?
  14. B

    How do I ad a picture to my signature?

    I'm not sure if you can put a pic in your signature but, if I recall properly, I think it's the a href code that's used on this site. When you click IMG as one of the options when adding a reply, it won't work (or at least not for me). I remember, when quoting binary's image, that before a href...
  15. B

    My Peacocks Hatched

    Thank you. Right now, they're drying off in the incubator. Sorry for the double-post. Here's the hatching. I'll post it in my log later. Yes, I intended this whole post to be one big link. TMEdit:No need to double post - you can edit your posts for up to 24hrs after they were made :D
  16. B

    Want to make your tama cozy?

    I'm definitely going to make one of these!
  17. B

    My Peacocks Hatched

    First pet? I believe you're mistaken. A peacock named Kirby was my first pet. These ones are well likely to be my 200th pets.
  18. B

    Tama-Go Log

    Oh yeah, forgot to mention, MY TAMAGOTCHIS HAD A BABY! Oh wait, darn. It's a boy. *sigh* Well...*hugs TMGC+C* I like you better now.
  19. B

    Tama-Go Log

    I'm very angry at myself. My Sakuramotchi woke up brown today, but I gave her a shower yesterday! Well, whatever. What I'm really worried about is I think I'm on my 4th beep. These things are crazy high maintenance.
  20. B

    Just bought a TMGC+C

    And there are many new things, but it's not that complex.