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  1. B

    Tama-Go TamaTown not working?

    As I said: Access to tamatown might be blocked because of the overflow of people. Please wait a while and try again.
  2. B

    Tama-Go TamaTown not working?

    Access to tamatown might be blocked because of the overflow of people. Please wait a while and try again.
  3. B

    Tama-Go Log

    I'm going to reset my Bellitchi, try again. Anyways, many people have been asking where my site is. This is it
  4. B

    What Is Your Religion?

    I'm Jewish. I believe in God, but not a bunch of things that are in the Bible.
  5. B

    Tama-Go Log

    I only have 1 thing to say: Tama-Go games are hard!
  6. B

    Tama-Go Log

    695 views! Yeah, people! Anyways, I turned on my Tama-Go for a while and played around with it. This thing is actually really awesome! I guess I was so caught up in having a +C that I didn't realize how the Tama-Go was even better. Anyways, I have a Bellitchi on that game. My +C tama evolved...
  7. B

    Whats this?

    It seems helpful enough> if you read the second post of that thread, it explains it.
  8. B

    TamaGo Games

    1. My largest disappointment is its inability to match the enjoyment I get from other Tamagotchis. Also, I'm not too fond of the size and I feel the figures are a bit pricey. 2. Surprisingly enough, it's my second favorite. My first would be the +C. Many people think that the Color and iD are...
  9. B

    TamaGo Games

    Not really. There are 2 small areas for the Tama-Go currently. But you can transfer GP.
  10. B

    Tamagotchi Tama-Go

    I don't think Chamametchi is an adult, first of all. Second, isn't Memetchi a good care character? There are some other things, but I don't want to nitpick.
  11. B

    Tama-Go Log

    YES! 671 views! Let's try to make it to 700. My Ahirukutchi can't wake up to nothing, y'know? And a shout-out to Jadeie: I'm very sorry about how I acted. I was a complete jerk and a moron and if I could have stopped this from ever happening, I would in a heartbeat.
  12. B

    Tama-Go Log

    Please choose one of the two options (videos). VISIT RESET
  13. B

    Tama-Go Log

    Also, I forgot to mention that my +C Memetchi got married to Kuchipatchi. They had a baby which evolved into Ahirukutchi. Also, I got that weight loss drink thing for my Tama from the TamaDepa because I rushed to get all of the happiness icons (personal best: happy bar filled in 12 minutes).
  14. B

    TamaGo Games

    It's ok, things happen. I'm sorry, it was rude to point that out. If anything, I should thank you. It strengthens the response's reliability of being correct.
  15. B

    Tama-Go Log

    I feel like my log is doing a lot worse now. It's like the clock stopped ticking. I really need more views, people. I constantly try to provide things that aren't just random baloney. Then again, I wouldn't blame anyone. There aren't, like, a million active people. For example, I saw...
  16. B

    TamaGo Games

    Kandy, I already posted that above you ^.
  17. B

    TamaGo Games

    Your figure that came with the Tama-Go? That's a lite figure. Those kinds all offer 1 game- Cradles. You need to buy the ones with the 2 games and shop separately.
  18. B

    TamaGo Games

    There are several figures you can get, 6, that offer 2 more games and a shop. There will be 300 figures in total, according to binary. These figures are 6-8 USD each.
  19. B

    TMGO Sound question...

    Au contraire, I would choose a Familitchi or Music Star over the Tama-Go any day. And although it is pricey, the +C is a lot better (even for its price). I'm not complaining about it being in Japan. The thing is, it's available. And since it's a Tamagotchi, I can compare it. Personally, I think...
  20. B

    Does Tama-Go seem a little simple?

    The Tama-Go started growing on me. Then I got the +C, and even with 4 figures, the Tama-Go (in my opinion) is really lame!