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  1. B

    Bringing Back Kirbytchi!

    About a year ago, "RoeyMCool" (wink wink) worked on paint for hours trying to make a pixel-like Kirby Tamagotchi chart, mostly by trial-and-error. Eventually, I posted it on Tamatalk and nobody even cared. Since I can't bump a topic, I'm starting a new one. Here is the original thread and here...
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    Sydneeeeey! Remember me? (wait, I'm using a different account).
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    Do you have a boy/girlfriend?

    I am so sorry to hear that, Jadeie. He should go jump in a ditch and rot in #&!!; he doesn't deserve you.
  4. B

    Are you excited for school?

    I like school, but I hate everything about mine, so it kind of goes both ways. Depending on how you look at it, of course.
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    tamagotchi color ID

    iDs go for around 68 USD (with S&H included). I got my +C for 54 USD (S&H included). The +Cs at this point are anywhere from 55-$70 USD.
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    do you have any pets (Real ones. not v pets)

    I have a dog, 2 cats, 2 peacocks, 3 button quails, 4 tarantulas, and 6 fish. Oh, and I (not a pet) have 30 carnivorous plants.
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    I hate everything about school.

    School doesn't start for me until September 13 :kusatchi: .
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    Kiss, Kill, Marry.

    Kiss Monopoly, Marry Hungry Hungry Hippos, Kill Truth or Dare Katy Perry, Shakira, Amy Okuda
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    What's on your Copy and Paste?

  10. B

    The Person Above Me...

    TPATPAM made me feel bad for being a FF7 fanboy and TPAM made it worse :) .
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    Do you have a boy/girlfriend?

    It's too early for someone my age to have a girlfriend/boyfriend, I had 2 girls like me before. 3 if you count the cute one *blush*.
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    I hate everything about school.

    Aw, come on. No constructive criticism for my post? Mine's longer >_> .
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    I hate everything about school.

    I completely agree...we have it worse. First off, lockers. I have a locker on the bottom, so I have to crouch down really low to open it. The lockers always have at least 10 pieces of dry gum stuck to the walls and all the ones I got are extremely dusty. The lock barely ever opens, not that I...
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    What are you listening to now?

    Prince of Parties- Flight of the Conchords.
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    Tama-Go Log

    A lot of you have been hearing rumors of me selling all my Tamagotchis. That's true. Look at my above post. I started those rumors. Anyways, here is a video of the condition of such items- Also, people have been complaining that they just started my...
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    Something is wrong with my button quail!

    Yes. They claim it's fro plucking, but for the months I've had these quails, none have fought or plucked or hit the top of the cage.
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    Ohhhhh nooooooooooo! :'(

    3:00 isn't late. We get out at 3:30 and have to be in homeroom at 7:00. If you think 3:00 is late and 7:00 is early, no offense, but I wouldn't hesitate to call you spoiled. Just go to bed early and you'll wake up early.
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    Ohhhhh nooooooooooo! :'(

    Just do what you did in 4th grade and learn how to get on your teacher's good side.
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    Ohhhhh nooooooooooo! :'(

    What do you need help with? It's just 5th grade. 6th-8th is when you should be asking anything.
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    Something is wrong with my button quail!

    Video Something is wrong with my dear Chickapee's head. Please diagnose this strange occurence if you have any knowledge of keeping gamebirds as pets. Chickapee lives with two other button quails- Tic and Tac (born together). He/she is twice as old as them. Also, can you please tell me if it is...