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  1. B


    Thanks everyone for all the great replies.
  2. B

    Just Ordered My Tamagotchi iD!

    I thought it only worked with Japanese and hacked phones...
  3. B

    Just ordered V5 Celebrity Familitchi!

    Hm...*gets out dangerous weapon* Who here has a Tamagotchi Angel?
  4. B


    I'm not. I'm just worried that others will.
  5. B


    Hello everyone. Recently, I've started baking. Baking cupcakes, meals, about everything you can think of. But do you think others look at it as (mods, feel free to edit my post) gay for a guy to bake? It's just something to calm me down when I had a hard day at school or got a tarantula bite a...
  6. B

    How do your tamas feel to you?

    I treat them like living things, until I have an excuse when I'm really busy.
  7. B

    How many Tamagotchis do you play with at once?

    One or two at a time. I have 8.
  8. B

    Does Tama-Go seem a little simple?

    Not meaning to spam, but how does this thread still exist?
  9. B

    Just ordered V5 Celebrity Familitchi!

    What I would do for a Tamagotchi Angel...
  10. B

    Just Ordered My Tamagotchi iD!

    Congratulations! Good luck with the iD. Are you going to download any items?
  11. B

    The Girls Life Quiz

    Well, I'm not a girl, but this is how I roll B) . (I was dared :( ) 1. How old are you? How old are YOU? 2. Have you ever been on a blind date? No 3. Have you ever been on a date at all? No 4. What grade are you in? No 5. If you can have anything in the world what would it be? All...
  12. B

    Earliest Tama memory?

    Mine was when I was in my room. I couldn't figure out how to operate a P1, so I threw it at a wall. *headdesk*
  13. B

    Bringing Back Kirbytchi!

    ? It works for me.
  14. B

    How famous are you on forums?

    You're just angry because I gave you a low rating. Everyone here knows I post more than 4/10.
  15. B

    Tama-Go Log

    My last post. (please listen to Don't Stop Believing while reading this) It's been a rough month. I'm glad my log was able to surpass all expectations. It's unfortunate that I am unable to continue this log, but, eh. We win some and we lose some. I plan to continue typing about my Tamagotchis...
  16. B

    Signature/Avatar -- What is it?

    It explains how you can't trust your eyes, whether you are given hints or not. It points out the obvious, but there is no one who knows it was ever pointed out.
  17. B

    How famous are you on forums?

  18. B

    How famous are you on forums?

    Not that often. 3.4/10
  19. B

    Bringing Back Kirbytchi!

    Thank you so much. Yes, it is an incomplete chart. I couldn't really think of any other character :) .
  20. B

    Memechi Figurine with Tama-Go

    The figure you got is called a "lite" figure. It comes with the Tama-Go and only comes with the game Cradles. The one you can buy is winking, the one in the Tama-Go has both eyes closed.