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  1. B

    How do I play my Tama-Go?

    She had one in the past but didn't like it; she's definitely not going to like this one.
  2. B

    Tama-Go Log

    A lot of people are asking two common questions: Why isn't my Tamagotchi evolving? and Where can I find the Tama-Go? First off, maybe it's not evolving because you leave it on pause! Honestly, the patience nowadays is down to 0. I waited almost 5 days for my Tamagotchis to have a baby and leave...
  3. B

    Marrying time

    If I'm not mistaken, it takes 2 days for a baby to appear and 2 more for the parents to leave.
  4. B

    How do I play my Tama-Go?

    I should have added "don't say to come clean" in my post. Telling my mom would be the worst situation possible. chrispilot2293, my girlfriend doesn't play Tamagotchis.
  5. B

    Tama-Go Figure Qualities

    Here's my info Memetchi Figurine, Games: Hit a Note, shoot the music notes! Panel Match, Match the object falling down. Clothes Shop: Parka- 3,000p; Coat- 6,000p; Shirt- 2,000p; Skirt- 1,500p; Wedding Suit- ???; Skirt- ??? TamaTown Shop item: Scarf- 3,500 points from Imotchi I'm going to...
  6. B

    How do I play my Tama-Go?

    Today at Toys R Us, I met up with a close relative of mine. When I was buying the Memetchi figure and put aside the Kuchipatchi White Tama-Go I was holding, she asked if I wanted it. I said that I had one back at home and this one would merely be a toy to connect with my other Tama. She felt...
  7. B

    Tamagotchi Or Giga Pet?

    It's seems like there's been a lot of "wear & tare" with Giga Pets (they're old and unknown). It just seems like Tamagotchis are much better. Especially the TMGC+C is so much better; it's like a video-game. What I'm trying to say is Giga Pets is just one of those things that doesn't really...
  8. B

    the aquapets poll

    I was just thinking of Aquapets the other day. Puku is the best, but I remember my favorite was this light bluish one with yellow and blue striped "hair" and black little stubby legs. Forgot the name. I didn't know these were popular, they're very annoying. Eh, I used to like 'em when I was little.
  9. B

    Questions regarding marriage

    I don't think so. The 2 sunrises rule may still apply with those. Also, I don't think you'd be able to use the love potion if not. Lastly, how the heck did you get an age 2 adult!?
  10. B

    How do your tamas feel to you?

    Whenever you bond with anything or use it a lot, you start to like it. I love my bed; I sleep in it every day and it provides me Tempur-Pedic comfort. As far as a spot in my heart for it, zip. It's not a living thing, and my Tamagotchis and I, too, are only about as close as a non-living thing...
  11. B

    Your collection

    My Growlist (I feel like I'm back on Flytrapcare): 2 V4.5s (can't find them) 1 V5 1 V6 2 Tama-Gos 1 TMGC+C Wishlist: ForestGotchi Tamagotchi Mothra Tamagotchi Angel V1 Tamagotchi iD Famitama 5.5
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    As I said, be patient. It could take 1-2 more days because of weekends and that the Post Office may have not registered it and started processing until the next day. Don't freak out.
  13. B

    tamatown under construction

    Is flower hills a Tama-Go thing?
  14. B


    Be patient. When did you order it?
  15. B

    tamas on icarly

    Please don't. You need both companies' permission. Also, Nick doesn't use brand names. Lastly, iCarly isn't really a..."cool" show.
  16. B

    Won't change favorite instrument, for GOOD.

    Do you have any other instruments? Do you have a band?