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  1. H

    Should your school have homework recovery?

    Your school must be a very high security school? Is it a private school or something, where everyone does as they're told? At my school, if we had something like this, people still wouldn't turn in their homework. And if they were ordered to stay after, they'd just skip. o_o I'm in highschool...
  2. H


    Yes . . . It's a site. A social networking site. Sort of. Like Facebook. And Myspace. And Twitter. Except you ask each other questions. There's no status updates or anything. And of course, you can set yourself anonymous when you ask. And you follow people like on twitter? I wasn't sure...
  3. H

    How famous are you on forums?

  4. H

    Compliment the person above you.

    I bet you'd be great at knitting if you got a good start on it. -Shot-
  5. H

    What was the last word you said?

  6. H

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    10 / 10. Truth.
  7. H

    Guess The Lyrics Of The Song

    I have no clue. D: Circle me and the needle moves gracefully, Back and forth, If my heart was a compass, you'd be North, Risk it all cause I'll catch you if you fall, Wherever you go, If my heart was a house, you'd be home.
  8. H

    Rate the person above's Avvie game!

    1/10 Sorry again Dx
  9. H

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    0/10 Sorry.
  10. H


    HA, YES, BECCA. Responding after two week delay. Fail. Uhh, can't remember. As soon as I got the opportunity to play OoT again, I set it aside. I know that I got past that second temple. I know that for sure. Is Twilight Princess good? I'm getting a wii for Christmas, and it's like my top...
  11. H

    Your roleplay characters?

    Updated list. Bolded are ones I've added just now. Aaren Clyde ♂ Abel Lace ♂ [[ Trial ]] Alice Holden ♀ [[ Trial ]] Alice Maize ♀ Anima Ecarte ♀ [[ Trial ]] Aoide ♀ [[ Temp ]] Asher Caprice ♂ Basil Zauz ♂ [[ Trial ]] Bastien Lace ♂ [[ Trial ]] Brogan Kyte ♂ [[ Trial ]] Bronwyn Lore ♀...
  12. H


    Toootally jumping into a topic that I've never been in before and will probably be thrown out of. Beaten OoT, working on a Master Quest emulator now. Like nothing has changed. Also playing Majora's Mask. Beat Phantom Hourglass in like two days, can't wait for Spirit Tracks to come out. <333
  13. H


    I've had a few teachers that are a bit strict, but I typically love all of my teachers. Except for Ms Doe. And Ms Bush. Ms Doe was always freakishly bright but passive aggressive. And Ms Bush always seemed like she had a pinecone stuck up her ar*e. Just irritable and nasty. Man, I would have...
  14. H

    TGB is Dead

    Rephrasing so I don't sound like a prat: Please see this topic, I think it'll help you a little bit. Reading the rules to a site that you might not be familiar with is always a good idea. I fail for posting this reply. As for the topic, I don't really know you --- I can't say whether or not...
  15. H

    Celebrity Crushes

    Megan Fox. . . . She's Megan Fox. Need I say more?
  16. H

    What's a random fact about you?

    I know, right? And my family is huge, so it's like . . . You get your plate, and you go down the line, and when you finally reach the food there's nothing good left. New Years, Halloween, and Independence Day are mine. Fireworks ftw.
  17. H

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    6 // 10.
  18. H

    What's a random fact about you?

    - Christmas is actually my least favorite holiday. I'm not kidding, I really hate Christmas besides the whole get-presents-and-money thing. It's a bunch of relatives that I hate, cluttering my living room and eating my food. Ffff. - Halloween is win. Period. - When I eat ramen, I drain out the...
  19. H

    Rate the Siggy above you!

    9 :: 1o
  20. H

    What's a random fact about you?

    - Sometimes I pretend to be younger than I am to get age discounts at restaurants. And it works. Because I look like a ten year old at best. - I'm allergic to red food dye, but I eat things with red food dye in them obsessively just because I can. You haven't beaten me yet, food. - I'd...