ok sudden notice, but my DeLila just got engaged to another tama named David. Wedding ceremony on Monday!! All tamas who come/came today are invited!!!
you can come at 1:30 but u might have 2 wait a while becuz i have chores 2 do. i will try 2 be here earlier than u guys.
See you then!!!
Welcome to the Tama Play Center!! You can leave your tamas with me while you go to another topic!!! I have six tamas of my own so your tamas can play with mine!! Don't worry, they will be fed, watered and played with while you are gone.
Enjoy the Center!!!
My Tamas:
:lol: Charlie
thanx Mystery is a little shy right now but i think she'll warm right up.
:nyatchi: O
These guys are getting along great. They are playing tama-ball.
DeLila is trying to...
i would like Hope, Grace, Princess, Mystery, Charlie and Layla.
is it ok if i already have one??? Her name is DeLila. i got her from a different centre.
:o "I am so excited to get sisters and a brother!!!"
ive got a family here there names are.
:mimitchi: Luna (MOTHER)
:nyatchi: Solar (FATHER)
:mametchi: Starr (SON)
:unsure: Twinkle (DAUGHTER)
:huh: Itty (BABY)
:huh: Starlet (PET)
Tamagotchi's Name: Luna
Tamagotchi's Age: 99
Date of Birth: 7-18-2008
Date of Passing: 7-19-2008
What Generation? 1
Your Comments: Luna you were an awesome tama. You were my first character on my debugged tama. I wanted to see how long a tama lived and then you lost all happy hearts and...
Tamagotchi's Name: Josh
Tamagotchi's Age: 2
Date of Birth: ??
Date of Passing: ??
What Generation? 26
Your Comments: I am sorry Josh. I meant to play a game with you (your happy hearts were all gone) but I needed the bathroom so I left you and when I came back you were dead. I AM SOOO...