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    Girl Advice?

    okay there is this dude at my school who likes me and he acts like a big jerk. so my advice to you is BE YOURSELF!!!! If she doesnt like who you really are than maybe she is simply not your type. hope this helps :furawatchi:
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    Pet Ed

    :) plz
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    Pet Ed

    Hey guys... I have a thousand friends and all of them have problems with their pet(s) So I figure that if people ask me questions about their pets, it will improve the relationship because now they know more!!! If you have any questions about any pet whatsoever that you may own, PLEASE post...
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    i hope to be an avian veteranarian. i LOVE birds, and sadly, they are (especially budgies) considered throw-away pets, so they aren't given proper nutrition and don't go to the vet regularly, reducing their life span by more than a third. i hope i will be helping the poor birds just a little bit...
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    When You Lose Your Pets..

    i have never lost a pet...but i DREAD losing my budgie. HE IS MY BABY!! I am thinking of holding a funeral for him at a pet cemetary (with his own casket and everything) what do you think i should do?? :o
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    Your Political Party

    i am an individual, but i am going for obama. :o
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    Tama Play Center!

    keepin it here
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    Tama Play Center!

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    remodeling my room

    if you are repainting your room, look in your closet. the TOP 2 colors you wear the MOST are the colors you should paint your room. Hope this helps!!!
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    Tama Play Center!

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    Pictures of your pets!

    This is Mango. I cant take pictures of him because he is too scared of the camera. But he looks exactly like this. Click!!!
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    What is your religeon?

    I am a Mormon and I couldn't be prouder!!! Email me if youre Mormon!!!
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    same here. im not sure if mormons are christians or what but we mormons do not belive in conflict but we will fight for our country worse comes to worse.
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    Nerd Love!

    i think crushing on a nerd is a good thing because if you like him and everybody else hates him, you have no compitition!!! he's all yours!!! i have a thing for guys with glasses...maybe that's why?
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    dont we all hate acne??? i have acne and it drives me CRAZY!!! i have freckles though so if ive got a humongo zit nobody notices!!
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    who has autisim?

    my youngest brother has autism. he was diagnosed at age 2. it is hard to deal with it sometimes, but if you look past the disabilities (this goes for all autistic people) you'll discover they are just like everyone else. in fact, when i telll people he has autism, they shout "WHAT?!? I never...
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    that has been mentioned in my church before. but i do agree that is insulting 2 others who dont believe that.
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    Getting a boyfriend or girlfriend

    i dont think it matters when u get yer first boy friend. i got mine when i was in 2nd grade. of course we never went out.
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    i do believe in god becuase i am well... a mormon. if you read this, you are probably going to think "those crazy mormons..." NO MORMONS DO NOT HAVE MORE THAN ONE WIFE!!! If u got any questions on my religion, go ahead and ask me!!!
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    mistake!!! my bird did NOT get a period!! it ate tomato and the color turned the poop red. that is totally normal. i still dont have mine though